Mikasa x Reader Lemon

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"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~" Mikasa moans out, sitting on her bed though ix doing some rather...lewd activity

For those wondering, the Ackerman was fingering her pussy vigorously with a blush on her face; three fingers pumping in and out of her rapidly, the black haired female would moan and grunt out before squeezing the pillow next to her and cumming onto herself, soaking her bed a bit before frowning and closing her thighs as the heat in her loins burns once again.

"I-Its still not working..." She thinks to herself, squeezing her thighs closer together as another blush appears on her face

You see dear readers, Mikasa had accidently drank a liquid aphrodisiac an hour earlier and had been fingering herself to climax a good four times ever since. Now the way it happened was by complete accident, as she left her drink out on the table her squad was at earlier and had to leave to help Sasha with some meat and make sure she didn't eat it all; however while she was gone a rushing Hanji had placed her own experiment drink down to get some supplies from the room and taking that and Mika's drink with her. So once the raven haired female came back, she took a well deserved drink before heading off to her room, the effects of the experiment kicking off almost immediately after.

Now you may be asking "Why the fuck would Hanji have something like this?" Well, she found a rather decent looking female titan and deciding this would be a good time to see if titans could truly made she planned on having a male titan she captured drink the unusually strong drug and, hopefully, mate with his fellow titan. Unfortunately, she grabbed the wrong drink and as a result Mikasa drank the strong ass aphrodisiac and feels like fucking the nearest human. Hell, she'd probably fuck thenext one that knocks on her d-

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Speak of the devil.

Eyes widening, Mikasa would have to control her strong urges to fuck as she slowly walks over to the door of her room, her thighs closed shut and a hand in between as she managed to get to the door rather slowly. Once she got there it'd reveal you, her having to look up at you due to your superior height as you blushed a bit looking at your friend.

The reason? Well she was naked as the day she was born-minus her signature scarf-and had a hand in between her nice thighs which was dripping in her juices; despite the fact you barely had a good view, as Mika only had the door slightly cracked to show her face and unknowingly some of her body, you would still get hard at the sight as your bulge strained against your pants, something the scarf wearing female took note of.

"S-So Mikasa, me and t-t-the group are g-gonna go out, w-wanna join?" You ask her, trying so hard yet failing at not staring at her nude body

As you tried getting your words Mikasa wasn't even paying attention to you but more on...everything else. Your rather nice looks, your muscles you gained after training and living in the 104 for years, and the rather large bulge in your pants that was begging for a release. She bit her lip and got more and more wet at the thought of your dick inside of her, fucking her and reshaping her insides before finally cumming inside of her enough to breed he-

Oh fuck it.

You would let out a small noise as you were suddenly pulled into the room by the Ackerman, who locked her door and slamming you against the wall; you wouldn't even get a chance to question what your friend was doing before she leaned up and captured you in a kiss, her arms wrapping around your neck to pull you in deeper as you stood shocked.

You couldn't believe it it, Mikasa Ackerman was kissing you! YOU! I mean, you did find her attractive and incredibly sexy; her round and tight looking ass jiggling and swaying practically every time she walked and her breasts always straining against her shirt to the point sometimes her nipples could be seen and don't even get me STARTED on how adorable she looked! The thing was you thought she had a crush-if not in love with-Eren who looked to be into the sole female blonde of your friend group or something, so you definitely didn't expect the raven haired beauty to suddenly kiss you.

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