~Shinobu x Mitsuri x Reader~

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Across the courtyard, you watched as Mitsuri and Shinobu enjoyed each other's company over a cup of tea. Shinobu had an arm extended over the table, trying to feed something to an obviously bashful and fawning Mitsuri. As Mitsuri took the bite of food offered, Shinobu drew back her hand with a sweet smile, eyes trailing Mitsuri as if to memorize everything about her.

Turning away, a frustrated huff passed through your lips. Your feet moved on their own, taking you away from the source of your turmoil. Why did both of the people you had a crush on have to be together? Why?

It's not fair. It's not like you asked to be hopelessly in love with both of them – it just kind of happened.


"(Y/N)-san, come look!" Mitsuri said excitedly, crouched next to a bench in the courtyard of the Butterfly Estate. Her long braid cascaded down her haori, swaying along with her movements. Jade eyes beckoned you closer, along with a wave of her arm.

You rushed over, unsure of what all the commotion was about. When you neared, you followed the point of her delicate fingers to the seat of the bench. On it crawled a small, furry caterpillar.

"Isn't it cool??" she asked, looking from you to the caterpillar. Her hand rested dreamily on the crest of her cheek. You giggled at her adoration, watching her eyes light up as the insect reared its little head into the air.

"Do you know what kind it is?" you inquired, watching her expression. You could see the visible shift on her features as she processed your question, searched her brain and found an answer.

"Hmm..." she thought for a moment, finger tapping against her lip. Her hand outstretched animatedly as the answer came to her and she smiled determinedly. "Shinobu said it was called a maimai ga! She also said not to touch it, because you'll get a rash."

She warned you with the waggle of her finger, but you kept your eyes fixed on her adorable expression, chuckling at her enthusiasm.

She must have a beautiful soul.


While it wasn't your first interaction with Mitsuri, it was one of the first times you had a one-on-one conversation with her, outside of the pillar meetings. You slid open the door to your guest room, slipping off your haori, sword and shoes and tossing them into the closet. You grumbled under your breath, moodily crawling under the covers of your tatami. These girls were going to make you crazy.

Your love for Shinobu came about a different way.


A choked scream ripped through the air as your body was slammed against a tree, forcing the air out of your lungs. Clawed fingers wrapped themselves around your throat, threatening to crush your windpipe.

The demon before you was one of the strongest you had faced, up to this point. Your measly Kanoe ranking meant nothing in comparison to their unbridled strength and speed. And now, they were just toying with you. Seeing how long you could hold out against their torture.

Your sword was long abandoned across the forest clearing, lodged into the trunk of a tree. Trembling hands pried at the fingers around your throat, feet thrashing as the demon scraped your body further up the tree. Your mind raced, searching for a way out of this horrible situation, but nothing came.

As your world grew dark, you heard the demon laugh. You feared it would be the last thing you ever heard.

But the voice of someone else rang through the clearing moments before the darkness swallowed you whole.

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