~The Ninja Overlord~(Dark Dragen)

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Summary: In part one of the Ninja Overlord, we'll see how a few changes in Naruto's life and having an Overlord in the world, could make a big difference in the story. In this first part of the story, we'll see the changes leading up to Naruto becoming a Genin.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the associated characters, powers, item and such. I also don't own Overlord (Game,) or any of the associated characters, powers, item and such. I may or may not own any jutsu that I come up with but as I doubt I'll make any money off them just tell me if you use them.

Warnings: I don't know what is to come, as I'm writing this as I go along, but if you read some of my other stories, you can guess what is going to come. The story will be a bit darker than in the manga and anime. But for the first part of this story, will have Character Death, Mild Character Bashing, Sort-of Alive Kushina, Dark/Powerful/Smarter Naruto, Underage Sex, Smut/Lemons, Violence, Torture, Threesomes, Foursomes, Harem, Naruto having a sister, and Incest just naming a few things that'll appear in this story. There'll be OCs Naruto's grandfather and sister are two of them. Naruto will have two pet foxes and will be at least two/three years older than the rest of the students we see at the start of the show.

Before you complain about this, please let me explain, the reason that Naruto will be two years older is to fill in the big plot hole in the show - and that's his age. Before the show, he was meant to have failed the Academy two other times, yet he is still twelve years old. Now some of you will say that he could have entered the exams early as it is possible, I have to call BULL there. Sorry if anyone in the anime/manga that was going to enter the exams early, it wouldn't be Naruto. As in the anime/manga there were so many others who could do so with ease, but NOT Naruto. So for this reason, he'll be older in this story.

UPDATE: Now after some feedback to the last version, saying that I have done too many chapters before getting to Naruto's time and not getting to the point or not putting in enough action into the chapters, I have decided to edit and repost this story. I know I could do flashbacks for most of this, but the thing is that I don't like doing them unless I have to. I've done some in the past and, apart for not feeling that I did them right, I got complained at for doing too many. That's why I do write what I think is important, like in this case writing Kushina and Minato, and doing flashbacks for what's not really connected to Naruto. But I'll do flashbacks if they are important to the story.

This repost/edit is for me to allow those who want to learn about the detailed changes, and the consequences that occur because of them, can read them. For those who don't care about the detail and would prefer to skip this story and wait for part two to read about Naruto becoming the new Overlord, then do so. I'm the kind of person who likes to put the detail into my work to explain why something is happening, what something looks like, what led to something happening, and so on. I believe detail is important to a story. Now I'll admit I can go overboard at times, and should that ever happen, please forgive me.

I would like to thank Reaper4991 for beta reading this chapter and his help with the fight scene within this chapter.

Chapter 1.

Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze - Part 1.

(Kushina Uzumaki Meets Minato Namikaze)

24th of January 1887 - Land of Fire, The Hidden Leaf Village, The Academy:

Now it was coming to the end of the first month of the new year 1887 and the students at the Academy were facing the last few months at the Ninja School before break. However, their normal everyday life was about to change -- a young girl was entering the room. She was a new transfer student and had a round face with red hair that naturally wrapped around her face giving her face an oval-like appearance. Her oval shaped face combined with the redness of her face after she got angry, earned her a lot of teasing back in her village. She was wearing a sleeveless kimono-style blouse that was yellow in color and held closed with a green obi over a short-sleeved mesh shirt with a pair of dark blue shorts and brown shinobi sandals.

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