life sucks

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Life was always boring. I'm honestly
just waiting for death. Everyday is the same. Wake up eat (somtimes) school bed. It's probley cause I'm so fucked up in the head. My parents never liked me well my mom did. But She killed herself last summer. She did not even leave a note. My dad on the other hand achohlic he's not even home most of the nights. And when he is home he usually passes out on the couch or beats me. But hey you did not come here to listen to my life story. I'm still wondering how somone could be so fucked.

"Y/n?" I see the teacher looking at me

"What?" I say confused.

"Were you even listening?" The teacher says in a mean tone

"Not rly" I say back

"Dont use that tone" the teacher says Turning back to the whitebored.

Tone what tone. I just responed?oh I'm autistic btw which makes things so much harder. I never told anyone I'm autsic since everyone in my class is ablesist and just dicks in general.

*ding ding ding*

Lunch great. Another day with No one to sit with. I go to the cafeteria and grab my food. It's so gross. I fiddle around with my fork in my hand pushing around My peas.

"Hey f@g" somone says sitting down at my table with there freinds as well.

Oh hell naw. I get up from my table and walk away. Somone grabs my shoulder.

"Hey you fucking ret@rd I did not say you could leave" he says to me all his freinds laughing.

"That's ablesist" I say walking Away.

I walk away out the door and go to the bathroom. I sit in the stall grabbing my scissors. It's better then punching somone in the nose. I cut my skin. I hear somone come in. Fuck. It's a bunch of voices. Oh my gosh it's the popular pricks. There voice is making my ears bleed. I start hearing banging on my door. I stay quiet. They must know who I am since they they see my shoes. I'm like the only person not wearing air force or Nike. Converse all the way. I stand up and hold the door closed. My hand on the lock and my body on the door. They start kicking it and laughing.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I say tired

"No we wanna fight" she says whining.

I hear all her freinds laughing. I step out the bathroom.

"Come at me then" I say showing off my body with my hands.

They just stand there.

"You don't know how to fight then don't threaten me" I say walking out of the bathroom with my backpack over my shoulder.

I walk out the bathroom. And the girls follow me. So many voices at once. And they are all laughing at me. I turn around and punch one in the nose. I guess maybe punching somone in the nose is better. It lets out so much tension. Her nose starts bleeding.

"You are so dead" one of the girls say helping her freind

"I wish" I say smirking then walking away.

I hear the bell go and go to my next class.

" y/n y/l/n please come to the principles office" I hear blare from the speakers. I grab my stuff and go to the office.

"Take a seat" the prinacble says

The girl I punched was sitting there her dumb fucking face. I was never good at controlling my anger. The prinacble lectures me. I have learned to tune it out.

"You will be seeing the school therapist now go" the princable says shooing me

I walk to the therapist. It's the same crap every time. "You need to learn to control your anger" or " it will get better". It does not. It never has. I plan on suffering till I die or even better just killing myself. They let me go back to class. I walk down the hall looking at my feet. Hearing the squeak of my shoes on the floor. I hate that sound. I walk into class and everyone looks at me. I keep looking down trying to stay away from the prying eyes. I pull out my laptop and put on some music to help me focus. It tunes out every sound. Some peace in my life finally. I sit there doing my work till I hear the bell. The other too peroids I just slept. I leave the school and go home. I go up to my room and flop on my bed. I'm so tired. I take a nap.

*5 hours later*

I wake up at 8pm. Oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I was suppose to make dad dinner. He comes back in like half and hour. I'm fucked. I run down stairs and start cooking some ramen. It's quick. It finishes in only 10 minutes so I set the table and pour out some ramen for both of us. After about 20 minutes he walks in the door. He has a beer in his hand and his words are soured.

"You fucking done dinner yet" my dad says taking off his shoes "help me bitch"

I help him take off his shoes and he sits down at the table. I give him his food and we both sit down to eat. I eat some of the food and it's a bit cold but I liked it.

"This is fucking cold do I look like a fucking joke to you" he says slamming his hand down on the table

"No sir" I say springing my head up

He strikes me across the face. I don't show weakness since it makes him more mad. He stands up and grabs my hair.

"You mess up again I'm going to beat you, you dumb whore" he says letting go "now clean up"

He walks away and I collect everything from dinner. I go to the kitchen wash the dishes and put them away. I slowly walk up the stairs not wanting to make my dad mad. I see him there watching tv drinking so much beer. Dad blows all his money on beer and weed. He sells drugs to pay for rent. I go and flop in my bed and go to sleep.

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