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We get off the bus. And start to walk to ranboos house. Running always helped with cramps and fresh air. So it was pretty nice. I arrive at ranboos house and he unlocks the door. I walk in and take my shoes off. I grab some towels and put the pads and tampons In the bathroom.

"I'm gonna have bath" I smile

"Ok tell me if you need anything" he says smiling back.

I walk to the bathroom and get undressed. I look in the mirror. How the fuck am I so fat. I might as well be pregnant. My thighs are so fucking big. Fuck. I walk over to the bathtub and turn on the facet. I grab some bath salt. I wait for the bath to be filled up. I put the salt in and sit in the bath. It's so nice and warm. I sit back and close my eyes. I have always loved baths as a kid. Playing with the bubbles. WIth my toys having mom watch me and wash my hair. i miss those times. I hope my moms having a better time then me. I sit in the bath for a bit longer then get out and dry off. I put on the clothes i was already wearing and dry my hair with the towel. I walk to my room and put the towel in my laundery hamper. I lay down on my bed and bundle myself in a blanket.  I curl myslef in a ball and close my eyes. I just wanna sleep.  I hear someone come into my room.

"You in there?" I hear ranboo say

He moves the blanket covering my eyes. I look at him.

"You feeling Ok?" Ranboo asks.

"No" I say whining.

"Lets go to My room" he says smiling.

I get up with the blanket wrapped around me. He had a bigger bed so I was all in. I walk up the stairs. My cramps are killing me. I open the door to rans room and flop on his bed. I curl back in my ball. Ranboo leaves the room. I close my eyes but it's impossible to sleep. I hear the door open again.

"Hey I got you some stuff" I hear ranboo say.

I uncover my face and see ranboo holding stuff. It was choclates and a hot water bottle. He passes them to me. I unravel myself and put the hot water bottle on my stomuch. I look at the back of the choclate to see the calories. He removed the tag! Now I can't see the calories fuck. I see ranboo grabbing his laptop.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asks smiling

"Rapunzel" I say back

He smiles and starts to slide his finger across the key bored. I started to get randomly hot. I unraveled the blankets and take off my sweater. I'm still hot as fuck.

"Do you have any shorts" I ask begging

He nods his head and grabs them. He passes them to me. I take off my pants and change into my shorts. I don't even care at this point. I take off my shirt and now I am just in shorts and a bra. I'm sooo hoooot. I squim around trying to get comfy. I let out big sighs. I whine a bit.

"You doing okay?" Ranboo asks me

"No now I'm all hooooot" I say whinging.

He leaves the room. He comes back with a towel. He hands it too me. It is damp with water. I put it on my arms and my face. It helps.

"Thank you" I say smiling.

Ranboo smiles. He sets up the laptop. He gets into bed with me. He wraps his arms around me and snuggles me. I start to feel so overwhelmed with emotions and hormones. I start to cry. I sit up and burry my face Into my hands sobbing loudly. He sits up. He moves me into the gap in between his legs and wraps his legs around my lap. He started to kiss my neck trying to calm me down. I countinued to sob loudly. I started to get a headache from it. Ranboo stops kissing my neck and unwraped his legs. I fall down off the bed. I lay my head against the bed. I'm still crying. I feel ranboo start to play with my hair. He passes me a cup of water. I take a drink then give it back to him. I am hiding my face since I am a ugly crier.

"What the fuck is wrong with me" I cry

Ranboo then quickly gets on the ground with me.

"There is nothing wrong with you" he tries to convince me

"Then why am I crying over nothing" I cry even louder

"Your body is very confused right now your hormones are everywhere and your body had become overwhelmed with emotions" he says smiling.

I guess he's right. My body is very confused. He's really helpful. Why do I break down every day. I better not get too attached. He's gonna leave me anyways. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

"I'm so sorry your stuck with me" I cry out

" stuck with you?" He questions

"I know your only with me cause I'm a emotional mess" I say back

" That is not true I am with you cause your kind and sweet and don't give a crap about what anyone says you are amazing" he promises

I look at him tears in my eyes. I rub my eyes and look at him.

"I need to go home" I say standing up

"What?" He asks

"Take me home" I demand

He stands up and looks at me confused. I'm not mad at him just alot is happening right now.

"Oh ok I can do that" he smiles but I can   tell he's not happy

We make it down the stairs and start to walk to my house. My eyes where still red.  We arrive at my door.

"Call me if you need anything" he says waving bye.

I nod my head and close my door. I head up to my room and sit in the corner.

I'm A Wreck  ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now