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*2 weeks later*

I'm leaving the hospital today. Ranboo got out on the second day he was here. He still comes and visits me. My dad has not seen or spoken to me. I'm gonna be screwed when I get home. Plus I'm gonna need to be caught up on alot of stuff. I also have meds so my cuts dont get infected. I am packing to leave. I have not been eating so the nurses had to force me to eat. I have just been throwing it up most of the time. Live laugh love ig. I sign the form and leave the hostpital. I take a Uber. I go back to my house and sneek up the stairs. I get some comfy clothes on. I go back down the stairs and go for a walk. I wish I could talk to ranboo right now. But the whole not having a phone thing. I'm gonna be screwed when I get home. But right now I am gonna live in the moment. I take a nice stroll and walk to the gas station. I find a 5 dollar bill in my pocket and pay for a monster. It makes me feel nice. I see a half burnt cigarette on the ground. I pick it up and get my lighter. I always keep a lighter on me. I take the cigarette and light it. I take a puff. It makes me feel so relaxed. I sit on the side of the sidewalk. I see somone walking but I ignore them.

"Y/n?" I hear somone say

I look over it's ranboo. I grab my cigarette and stomp it out quickly.

"RAN" I stand up and hug him

"Since when did you get out?" He asks

"Just today" I say backing away from him

"What is that smell? Where you smoking!!!" Ranboo says looking at me

I look at him then look at my feet.

"Dude you can't smoke it's really bad for you" he says putting his arms on my shoulder

"I know but I just wanted a break" I say

"Okay just don't do it again. But what are you doing out here?" He asks looking around

"Well my dad's gonna be pissed when I get home so like might as well stall" I say laughing a bit

"Why would he be mad?" He asks

"Oh my dad hates me like so much but I know its all out off love" I say smiling

" y/n... is that how you got that bruise" he says worried.

"Oh ya but it's not that bad it's almost gone" I say back

"Y/n that's not normal and is a crime" Ran says looking down at me.

"No but he loves me he does its cause he loves me" I say confused.

Ranboo stays silent looking down at me. I look up at him. Did my dad not do it out of love. Did he hate hate me. Does he not love me? I sit down on the edge of the side walk. I put my face in my hands.

"He loves me right?" I say tearing up a bit

"Oh y/n" ranboo says hugging me.

Tears roll down my face.

" he loves me I know he does he does it out of love" I say quickly

Ranboo pulls away.

"He may love you but what he did is unacceptable and not how you should treat your kid. How offen does this happen?" He asks

"He yells at me every night he is home if he even comes home. Maybe 2 nights a week he hits me" I say looking at ranboo

Ranboo sighs

"If this happens again I'm gonna call the cops ok?" Ranboo says holding my shoulders

I nod my head.

"Wanna go to my house?" Ranboo asks

I nod my head and stand up. We walk to ranboos house. He put his arm over my shoulder. I was still wiping some tears off my face.

"HEY HOT STUFF" I hear somone yell

I look up and see these guys hollering at me.

"Keep walking ignore them" ranboo says

I keep walking and keep my head down.

" I WANNA R@PE YOU" the man hollers at me

I stop in my tracks and stand there. I start having flashbacks from when I was 12. That night that I buried so deep inside me. The one night I never wanted to rember.


I have never heard him swear. I keep walking but I am still having flashbacks. We get to rans house and go to his room. I sit on his bed. I am still thinking about that night. I start to get heated up and my breathing becomes heavier.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say in a shaky voice.

"Ok" ranboo says a back.

I go to the bathroom lock the door and splash some water on my face. I sit in the corner of the bathroom. I think about that night. I start to scratch my hand.

"Y/n you okay?" I hear ranboo knocking on the door

I don't answer.

" y/n let me in please" ranboo says starting to sound worried

"P-please go away" I say shaking

I bite the inside of my cheek. My breathing became louder and my cries did too.

"I know your scared but just breath" ranboo says.

My body shook even more.

"Y/n please let me in" ranboo begs.

"I-i can't move" I say my voice cracking.

"Hey that's okay im just gonna kick the door in please make sure you are away from it" ranboo says in a calming voice.

Ranboo started kicking the door and on the second kick the door swung open. It make me jump a bit. Ranboo walked in slowly. He kneeled down and hugged me. I was sitting there in a ball. Shaking uncontrlbly. Ranboo holds me helping me calm down. I get out of my ball.

"Cmon" ranboo says patting his lap.

I moved over on his lap and put my arms over his neck. He started drawing shapes on my skin.

"Shhhh your safe" ranboo says to me.

The sensation of him drawing on my skin made me fall asleep.

I'm A Wreck  ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now