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Tw:gender dypshoria,misgendering.  (You might have to go to the last chapter to rember the convo)

" Oh how fun" I say

" I know right" Ranboo says back

I look at him. Is he being serious.

"I'm being sarcastic by the way" ranboo says

"Oh ok good I was about to fight you. Okay can we please just get out of here now" I ask

"Yes let's go" Ranboo says picking me up

He Carrie's me as we walk out of my room we where about to leave when we here a AY. He turns around and sees cops.

"Almost forgot this" the cop says holding a ankle monitor

Awwww this shit.

"Place her down" The cop says

"He's not a girl" Ranboo says

"We are not stupid place her down" The cops say

"He's not a - " ranboo says getting cut off

"Ran just let it go I'm fine just place me down" I say to Ranboo smiling.

Ranboo places me down and the cop puts it around my ankle and gives me a charger.

"You have to chim this every 12 hours. And charge every 48 for 3 hours. Give me your wrist" the cop says

I give him my wrist and he puts a band on it.

"When the device goes off just use this to chime it so we know you are okay and well." The cop says "you guys are good to go"

"Thank you" I say smiling

Ranboo picks me up and we walk out the door. He places me in the car beside him. It's quite comfy. Well more comfy then the hospital. He holds my hand on the drive back. I look at the time on the radio and see it's already 4pm. Time flies.

"I promise you everything will be fine back at school." Ranboo says

" what if they make fun of me?" I ask

"I'll fight them" Ranboo says


"What you don't think I can fight?"


"Heyyyyy look at my guns tho I could totally beat them up"

"Sure you could" I say giggling. "Thank you"

I say smiling.

"For what?"Ranboo asks

"Just for staying with me even though iv been shitty to you and just made everything so much more complicated in your life" I say

"Of course" Ranboo says parking the car at his house

He grabs my face and kisses me. I giggle a bit and ranboo then Carrie's me inside. He sits me on the couch.

"Okay you need to learn to regain your balance you ready?" Ranboo asks

"Uh ya " I say bouncing a bit

"Okay I'm gonna lift you up 1 2 3 up"ranboo says lifting me up

I stand and wobble a bit it takes me a minute to get my balance but I do.

"I'm gonna hold you but you need to try to walk" Ranboo. Says

He holds me from under the arms. I start taking small steps with the help of ran.

"Good boy" he says smiling

I pause, oop. Ranboo pauses too

" why would I say that?" Ranboo asks confused

"I have no idea but it's fine I like it" I say smiling

Ranboo shrugs it off and keeps helping me. I take a few more steps by myself and soon regain my balance.

"I'm pro now" I say strutting around

"Wow amazing "Ranboo says clapping

I smile and jump around falling.

"Welp it was fun while it lasted" I say laughing on the ground

Ranboo laughs and helps me up.

"Want me to make you some food?" Ran asks

"I'm okay I still feel sick from the hospital" I say smiling

I yawn.

"Wanna have a early night?" Ranboo asks

I nod my head. I start to feel more tired. I do grabby hands at Ranboo. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. I cling onto him and he takes me to bed.

"Oh I forgot I got a gift for you stay right here" Ranboo says leaving the room

I sit on the bed my eyes start feeling heavy. Ranboo walks in with stuff behind his back.

"Ready... LOOK" Ranboo says while in a onesie and holding another one

They are matching Dino onesies. I love dinosaurs.

"Thank you I love dinosaurs " I say squeaking

"I'm glad you like it" ranboo says kissing me

I get changed and I feel a few tags so Ranboo cuts them for me. I go to the bathroom and see how I don't look like a boy.Why can't I be flat. I look like a girl. I go to my room and get my binder. I'm about to take off the top of my onesie and ranboo walks in.

"You are not wearing that to bed" Ranboo says to me

"Why not" I say

"Binders are only suppose to be worn for 8 hours" Ranboo says walking towards me "We don't want to put you in danger"

I look at the mirror on my wall.

"I look like a girl" I say with a little bit of tears in my eye

"I don't see a girl"Ranboo says looking in the mirror with me " I see a brave boy that has been through so much but is still here I see a boy that's dating me I see the most handsome boy in the world"

"But I'm not flat" I say more tears coming to my eyes

Ranboo cups my face and wipes my tears.

"You don't have to be flat to be a boy you are a boy look" Ranboo says looking the mirror letting go of my face.

He grabs his sweater and tightens it.

"Look at the ritties" Ranboo says

I giggle.

"You don't have to look like anything to be a boy you are a boy my boy " Ranboo says to me

I look up to him. My heart flutters. That's the cutest thing someone said to me. I jump up and hug him wrapping my legs around his waist.

"So what should we watch? Bolt?" Ranboo asks

"*gasp* I LOVE THAT MOVIE. how did you know?" I say looking at him

" Your gay and autistic what else would it be?" He says giggling

I giggle then kiss him he brings me out to the living room. I stay laying on top of him. He turns on bolt and I listen to it. Iv watched it enough to know what's going on.

Ranboos POV

I look down at y/n and see him sleeping. He's so pretty such a pretty boy. I kiss him on the head. I hear a practice beep go off and I bring this wrist to his ankle to stop the beeping. I then drift to sleep.

I'm A Wreck  ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now