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We walk in to class before anyone else. I try not to look ran in the eye. No one has ever seen me like that and we only met today. He probley Hates me im too much work in just a day. Everyone else walks into class. So Many pepole talking at once. I plug my ears and close my eyes. Everyone settles down a bit I see ran looking at me confused.

"You ok?" Ranboo says whispering into my ear

I nod my head and smile. I was just a bit startled. So much noise at once no thank you. It's l.a I love l.a. It's so fun somtimes I write for fun as well. It's a way to make your own world and escape this one. Right now in class we are making short stories. My short story is called I don't know my name. (I rly did make this story for my class lmao)

So the story starts off with this girl walking up then going to a gas station. Then she ends up in a maze that starts to crumble. And then she falls into the nothingness. I'm done I just need to edit it. I see ranboo looking at his laptop confused.

"You need help?" I ask

"I don't know what to write" Ran says back

"Well you could do horror or romance or smt like that what do you like?" I respond

"Hmmm horror" he says smiling

"Ok write somthing about that if you need more help just ask me" I say smiling.

He smiles back at me and starts writing. He also likes horror. I think I'm in love. Ahhhhh. I finish my story and hand it in. That story took me a while so it's nice to know it's done. I watch ranboo write.

"The fag is hanging out with him I bet she has a crush on him" one of the boys in my class says

His freinds laugh along.

"Maybe she's sucking his dick" he says laughing

I look away embarrassed.

"Mind your business" Ranboo says annoyed

"I'm sorry" I whisper to him

"It's oka-" Ranboo says getting cut off.

*Clap Clap Clap*

"Guys you are heading to your next class soon you will be reading these to the class tommrow you can now pack up" the teacher says being kinda loud.

I have to present this. What. She did not tell me this I'm screwed. I can't speak infront of pepole. I will just send her a email I will be fine. I pack up and wait wait the bell. The bell goes. I start walking out the school.

"Wanna hang out?" Ranboo asks.

I jump a bit

"Oh um I cant tonight maybe tommorow " I say back

"Ok" he says back.

I walk and get on my bus ran follows Me. We sit togther. I have the window seat. I was looking out the window when I saw a car speeding right towards the bus. The car hits the side of the bus. I go Flying to the other side. I go flying with ran as well. Everyone is screaming. I can't hear anything. I see everyone's panic it almost makes me feel relaxed. I feel somone wrap there arms around my stomuch. It's ran. Rans back hits the other side of the bus my head hits the wall. The bus is completely on its side. I am laying there on top of ran. I get off and see him laying there with his eyes closed. Blood is leaking out the back of my head. There is glass everwhere. I look at ranboos arm and it seems out of place. I hear ranboo whining in pain. I go rate by his side. Pepole are already getting out of the bus and random cars are helping out. Ranboo is trying to sit up.

"No no no stay laying down you are gonna be okay" I say reassuring him.

He lays there. I take off his mask so it's easier for him to breath. I hold his hand and rub it.

I'm A Wreck  ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now