new freind

494 19 13

Tw:throwing up,talk of calories

I wake up my face achecing. Oh ya i
got hit last night I forgot. I get up and cover the bruise with some makeup. I also get my clothes on. I get my shoes on and walk out the house. I leave for school a Hour early to get away from the house. I sit at the bus stop. I see somone beside me he has a mask on and light brown fluffy hair. I look back at my hands and fiddle with them. The bus arrives and I get on. So does the fluffy hair guy? Iv never seen him at are school before. I sit down in the front since it's the farthest away from the popular kids. No one ever sits by me so I get a whole seat by myself.

"Can I sit here" I hear a voice say.

I look up and see the fluffy hair kid.

"Ya" I say looking back out the window.

He sits beside me and puts his backpack beside mine. I think he's new to this school so I'm not gonna be mean. He seems nice.

"Do you have any gum?" The kid asks tapping my shoulder

"Ya here" I say passing him some mint gum.

Ofc I have gum. I live off it.

"Thanks" he says taking it " im ranboo"

"Oh im y/n" I say trying to smile normally or what was considered normal idk?

He turns back and goes on his phone. Gosh I wish I had a phone. All I have is a dinky mpv player. I mean it works but somtimes I wish I had games. Or tiktok or snapchat not that I would have anyone to Chat with. I keep looking out the window till we are at school. I get off the bus keeping my head down and I walk in. I go to class and sit down with my books and binder. I take out some gum and start chewing it. The class starts and I see ranboo again or I think that was his name. He coming to are class?

*knock knock knock*

"Hello is this class A7 math?" Ranboo says looking in with a sheet of paper in his hand.

"Oh yes class we have a new student moving here from America ranboo you Can sit with... y/n" the teacher says pointing beside me

He smiles and comes to sit down. He takes a sip of his water. I see his face. He's actually pretty cute. I countinue working like normal till the bell rings.

"Where is chemistry B2?" Ran asks tapping my shoulder

I take his sheet and see we are in all the same classes. That's cool ig.

"We have the classes I'll show you" I grab his wrist.

I drag him through the hall. This man was tall. Like scarly tall. I'm only 5,2. We get to Chem and decide to sit by eachother. We are doing a experiment today. We are cutting open a lambs eye. Cool. We get handed are tools and eyeball. I always thought stuff like this was cool. I look over at ran and see him looking kinda sick.

"Are you doing okay?" I say laughing

"*gag* uh no this is gross" he says putting down his scapel.

"Its not that bad it's just a lambs eye" I say digging into mine.

He watches me do it closely and copies me.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" he says while cutting it open

I laugh a bit. This is the first time I have felt joy in a very long time. I cut mine into pieces and label all the parts. I look at ran looking at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" I say looking at him

"Nothing this is just gross" he says pushing the eye away from him

"I kinda feel it would be satisfying to eat it" I say looking at the eyeball

He just stares at me. I hand mine in and ranboo dose a bit after. It's lunch and I grab food and go sit at my table by myself. I then see ranboo coming over he sits down and smiles at me. Are we freinds? His smile. I could look at it forever.

"Y/n you good?" He says snapping at me

"Oh ya sorry I just spaced out" I say looking away.

I look down at My food. And start playing with it. I'm not used to somone watching me eat. I usually just throw my food out. Now I have somone watching me great.

"Not hungery?" Ranboo says scooping  some food in this mouth

"No the food here just makes me feel ill" I say with a smile across my face.

"Well atleast eat is fuel" he says looking at me.

I fork some in my mouth just thinking about the calories. Chicken is High in calories like any meat is. I swallow it. I did it. That's enough for today. I feel somthing come up my throat. I get up and run to the bathroom. I open the bathroom stall and start puking. Tear fill the Conner of my eyes. After I'm done I lay my back on the wall. I hear somone walk in.

"Y/n you okay?" I hear somone knock on the stall door. It was ran.

I don't answer.

"Please open the door" Ran says again.

I stay quiet and unlock the door. I see ran open the door.

"Oh y/n..." He says kneeling down.

He gives me a hug I don't hug him back. Not because I don't like him but because I'm tired. He sits down beside me. I don't dare to make eye contact. I hold back my tears and make myself belive I'm not sad. A single tear falls down my face.

"You wanna talk about it?" Ran says looking at me.

I shrug my shoulders. I feel tears fill the brim of my eyes. I'm trying not to cry at this point. We just met I can't show him this side of me. No one can see me like this. I start to cry and I cover my face. It's quiet and soft. Just a tiny sob. I can feel it buliding up. More tears stream down my face.

"Can you look at me?" Ranboo asks

I put my head up and look at ranboo. That makes me cry even more. He puts his hands one my head.He then pulls are foreheads togther. His hands are still on my head. I try to hold back my tears. I put my hand on his arms and hold them. My tears start falling on the ground and I feel so many emotions. I burst out into tears. He grabs my head and puts my head on his shoulder. I cry. grasping his jacket. He's holding my head. I'm crying as I gasp for air.

"Your okay"I hear ranboo say while playing with my hair

His voice is so comforting so soft. I'm still choking on my tears. I have held these tears in for so long. I start to calm down. I keep my head over rans shoulder. My breathing goes back to normal.

"Do you wanna talk?" Ran asks

I back up from him. I sigh.

"I d-dont know" I say starting to cry again.

"Hey hey hey we don't have to talk today ok but I would appreciate to talk somtime okay" he says smiling.

I wipe my tears away and see the foundation coming off. He notices it.

"You know what we are gonna talk tomorrow " he says to me,

He stands up and gives me a hand.  I grab his hand.quickly pull him into a hug. He's so tall my head on  his chest stomuch area. I sigh and back out.

"Thank you" I say under my breath

He pats my head and smiles down at me. He leads me back to the cafeteria and lets me throw out my food.

"Just this once" he says as I toss out my food.

I nod my head and return my tray. We go to are next class.

I'm A Wreck  ranboo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now