A story like no other

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Hey people! Warnings for this chap are just violence- also enjoy the pic



Itachi POV

It's 12:30 and it's time for lunch. I still don't feel any better and I'm starting to think we should leave early. The bell rang and I'm is still crying. My eyes aren't puffed somehow but they are pink. Deidara keeps telling me it'll be okay and I have to trust him.. right? "Itachi.. It's time to go to lunch," he told me. I nodded and stood up with him.

He sat me down at a small lunch table. "I'll put the water in the ramen. Call me if you need me. Okay?" he asked. I nodded. My bangs covered his face and a few strands stuck to my now slightly sticky face. He sat next to me and cupped my face. He gave me a gentle kiss which made me feel slightly better. "I'll be back in a minute," he told me. "Yeah.." I said gently.

He grabbed the cups of ramen and walked over to the kettle. I just sat there. "Itachi~," A girl said walking over to me. I instantly started to tear. I looked away but there was another one there. I looked forward but there was another one. I looked down at the table hoping there wouldn't be one there. Good, there wasn't. "Itachi~ Wanna go out with me tonight?~" One asked.

I started trembling as one let her index finger go down my arm. No..no.no...no..no...no. G-Go away.. G-Go.. I teared as I tried to contain tears. G-Get away.. I don't want you..


 "G-Get away.. I don't want you.." I said. My adoptive mother.. she is so abusive.. she has 5 daughters and uses me for child insurance. "Don't talk to me like that child!" She yelled. "P-Please don't h-hurt me!" I yelled as I teared. My step-sister walked in and didn't even do anything. I-I I don't w-want to b-be h-here! Come back, mama! Please!

"Why are you hurting Ni-San!?" Sasuke yelled as he walked in. I'm the only one who gets this treatment.. Why? She makes me a model and only hurts me in places they will never see. She uses me for money.. "N-No! Sasuke g-go over there! N-Nothing is happening..!" I yelled to him with tears flowing down my face.

Ever since mama and papa died life has been like this.. Sasuke ran away. Good run away.. Sasuke..My adoptive mother turned me so I was on my stomach on the wall. She got a knife. "W-What are you g-going to d-do with t-that?.." I asked in fear and tears.

She didn't give me an answer.. all she did was stab my throat. My eyes widened. She ripped it out and cut my back from top to bottom. I screamed in pain. "P-Please stop! I-It hurts s-so much! Plea-" I yelled as I got cut off by her slamming my head on the wall. My step-sisters joined her and broke multiple bones in my arms. "P-Please stop..!" I yelled in pain.

I heard the front door open and the neighbors walk in. "Oh my goodness! I'm calling the police!" One yelled. "N-No! Don't call the police! He just fell!" My adoptive mother yelled. A man bend above me. "Are you okay little boy!?" He asked. I tried to talk but I couldn't. "I-It hurts.." I said in the small voice I had. I heard sirens come. My adoptive mother and sisters got taken by police. Sasuke ran in and bent next to me. "Ni-San! I called the neighbors for you!" He yelled.

"T-Thank y-" I said but I coughed. Blood was all over the floor and it flew out my mouth. They carried me away on a stretcher and I ended up in a hospital with a bunch of people around me. "His pulse is steady!" one yelled. "He's awake!" Another yelled.

"Itachi!" A woman yelled. She had blonde hair and pretty eyes. I looked up at her. "Itachi.. You have to scars from this trauma. We also found out you have a new illness we have never seen. It must have been from something that woman gave you to eat." She explained. Another woman came beside her. I looked at her in fear.. "N-No! D-Don't hurt m-me! Please..!" I yelled turning to my side. I turned to the side of the pretty woman.

"W-What does he mean Tsunade?" She asked. "He most likely has a fear of women now. Like his little brother." She answered calmly. "W-where's Sasuke!?" I asked sitting up but my back hurt. The pretty woman laid me back down. "Your little brother is okay but he has mental scars like you." She told me. No.. He's only 4! Sasuke! "Where is he!?" I asked in a panic.

"Shizune! Get his brother before he starts hyperventilating again!" She yelled. The other woman nodded and ran off. "Itachi.. would you like to come live with me?" She asked. "W-Will you h-hurt m-me?" I asked. "No. I can teach you how to defend yourself." She told me. "C-Can Sasuke come?" I asked. "Yeah. You two will be in good hands." She told me. I nodded.

"Ni-San!" I heard Sasuke's voice yell. "S-Sasuke! Oh my goodness are you okay!?" I asked. "Nothing happened to me but what about you!?" He asked. "I'm okay," I told him. He nodded and jumped into the hospital bed with me. The black-haired girl tried to tell Sasuke to get off but the pretty woman said it was okay.. 

Why did this have to happen..?

-End flashback-

"Can't you see that he is uncomfortable!?" I heard a familiar sweet voice say. "Yeah! Can't you tell he doesn't want you guys all over him!?" I heard another familiar voice say. "Well, he isn't saying anything!" One yelled. "Maybe he doesn't want to be mean!" The sweet voice said. "Ita- Itachi!" I heard Deidara's voice yell. "What the hell are you girls doing?" He asked them.

"Well I'm trying to ask him out but I don't know what they are doing!" One yelled. I thought it was obvious that Deidara and I are together. Deidara just ignored what she said and walked over to me pushing the girls off me. "Here babe," he said as he gave me the cup of ramen. "Thanks.." I said kissing his forehead and ignoring the girl's shocked expressions. The girls from this morning looked happy though.

"Itadakimasu." He said with a smile. "Itadakimasu," I said eating with him. Deidara was about to take a bite "You two are dating!?" One asked in an offended tone. Deidara looks like he's had enough though.. "Fag! You're stealing such a hot guy from someone cute like me!" She yelled.

Deidara looked like he was trying to hold in his anger. "I'd probably be better if you died!" Another yelled. "It's okay baby.." I whispered to him. The same thing he told me a little while ago. 

"Let's go.." I said standing up. He nodded and threw our empty ramen cups in the garbage. I walked him over to the bathroom. "W-Why are we here?" He asked curiously. I pushed him into a stall. "I thought this might make you feel better." I stated as I held him close to me. "B-But Itachi.. We're in school.." He said placing his hands gently on my chest.

"I kno-" "We should head home.." He interrupted. I nodded. "We'll continue this at home." He told me as we walked out the bathroom and into the front yard. "Where are you two going!?" A women yelled. "Home." Deidara answered. "Did you sign out?" She asked. "Yeah." He answered. "Then you are free to go." She told us.

We walked out the school and got into the elevator. "Babe.. we didn't sign out though," I mentioned. "It doesn't matter." He told me sweetly. I chuckled. He led me in the house and I laid him on the bed.


Bye people

Peace out :P

1305 Words

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