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It's been too long guys! I'm so sorry for the long delay, but if you are reading this, thank you for bearing with me! I hope you are all well. This is my first bit of writing since my writers block. I hope it ties in! 💚

*Kellan's POV again 🙃*

I pack her in silence, carefully eyeing the ground as best I can in the now dark forest. I've found her. After all of this, I have found her. I bounce up over a large root and I can feel her catch a bit of air before her body settles back down over my shoulder.

In the silence, I can hear her heart beating and I can feel it rhythmically tapping my back. She breathes softly, but she is not sleeping. I have zero doubt in my mind that the wheels are turning, and that thousands of hijinks are being hatched in hers.

She feels healthier, like she had the first time I had ever carried her. Almost like her old self, if I couldn't visibly see the difference. Despite the conditions she has ended up in, she's fared nicely. Some feat for an amputee with one hardly functioning leg left. I'll never admit to her, but I'm flabbergasted at how she managed to survive so far. It's something I have barely managed to do as a strong, healthy man.

A human man though, and I am tiring. Her healthy heft is not making the task of lugging her easier, and if the heat had not been enough on its own, the fires she had somehow started intensified the feeling of Hell by tenfold. I need to drink again, and I'm going to have to rest soon.

I had no way of extinguishing the fires, so had leave them to be. We needed to distance from them though, so I can only hope at this point they serve as a decoy to the lunatics and do not grow large enough to gain attention of rangers or emergency personnel. I believe that's what Alina was trying to do with them too. Probably praying in her little rabbit hole to see a helicopter hovering by.

"Alina." I whisper. She hums lowly, a small vibration buzzing my shoulder.

"Where is a good spot to rest? I'm getting tired..." I shouldn't tell her this, but she evidently knows a few hiding spots here. I also highly doubt she would challenge me now, knowing I might be the only thing standing between her and the freaks should they find her.

"There was a large cluster of boulders not far from us, I passed them earlier. If you keep going this direction, you'll spot them to your left."

I can feel my muscles tremble, but after about twenty minutes I find the cluster she mentioned. Not a bad spot. Not as obvious as a cave would be, but with plenty of crevices and valleys we could easily slip into. Just long enough to rest.

I set her down and nudge her into a larger crater, half obscured by a flatter shaped boulder overhead. She shimmers her way in, and I scoot the crutch in behind us. I push her flat onto her back, and lay my upper body halfway across her torso so I can rest without fear of her trying to slip away. She swirms for a moment, taking some of the weight of me off of her belly, and then settles down. Her belly. The rumors quickly come to mind, and I roll to my side to relieve more of my weight.

"I need to rest. Don't move a single muscle." I warn her. She studies me for a moment, as if wanting to speak. I arch a brow at her, and she knows me well enough to understand that I have given her the floor.

"Are-are you okay?"

"Tired." We fall into an uncomfortable silence. The sounds of nature, our nervous breathing, and our empty bellies the only source of sound.

"Are you scared too?" Alina finally breaks the silence in a hushed whisper.

"No. I'm not afraid of anything."

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