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My name is Kathy greenfield and I live in New York city with my mother, father and little brother. Now its been about 5 months since my family and I left North Carolina and in North Carolina there's a story I've been dying to tell people about because I think its one of the most beautiful love stories ever so here it goes.

October, 10th, 2014

Dear Diary,

It was my junior year of high school and I had just switched schools due to a little bullying problem, My mother had also just given birth to my little brother Jaxon so that made my problems a little better since I would have a new little brother. On my first day of school at Shiner High I met a girl named Cassidy and we instantly became good friends and she introduced me to more of her friends and we all became friends. After school that day I went home to find a note on the fridge and it had said "Be back later, went to visit grandma" all I could I say was its the usual ever since Jaxon was born all there attention has been turned to him but I cant say I really care I mean I did have there full on attention for 15 years I think its time for someone else to have the spotlight. Well until next time.

November, 20th, 2014

Dear Diary,

Today was one of the best days ever, I met the boy of my dreams his name is well that's not really important right now anyways he's the sweetest and most amazing guy I've ever met. Well that's it for now until next time, .

November, 25th, 2014

So today hung out with my friends because it was 3 weeks till Homecoming and we had to get our dresses. well anyways till next time.

One Last TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon