I hate this part

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2 weeks later

March 16th 2015

Dear diary,
3 days ago I did something that I hated so badly but I knew it had to be done, I should probably explain what happend. 3 days ago I went over to shawns house to hang out but instead of having a good time I ended up breaking up with shawn instead and he didn't take it well. Until next time night.

March, 17th 2015

Dear diary,
So today I moved to New York and well let's just say me and Shawn did end up having a sad ending. A few days after I broke up with him we ended up having an actual goodbye and it was for sure really sad.

March, 19, 2015

Dear diary
So I start at my new school next week I really can't wait oh and I've also met some really good kids at the park well till next time night.

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