Mental Hospital?

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3 weeks later

Katy's POV

    so its been 3 weeks since shawn saved me from saved me from killing myself and honestly even though he saved me I still feel like I want to kill myself but I know I cant because that would mean hurting him and I cant do that. I also know that if I don't tell my parents about me being bi im gonna be feeling guilty for ever so I guess now is better than never right?

Genaral POV

       I walked down stairs to see that my mom was in the living room watching tv with my dad. Ok katy its now or never and remember if you don't do it now then you will forever regret it. "Mom,Dad?" I don't think I can do this I mean what if they kick me out, I wont have anywhere to go STOP it katy your parents would never do anything like that so calm it. "yes sweetie, whats wrong?" I can just leave right now and never tell them how about that? no katy you really have to do this now. "Mom,dad im um well im Bisexual" oh no look at there expressions katy there mad,furious whatever other word that means mad. "NO DAUGHTER OF MINE  WILL BE GAY,BI OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU SAID SO I SUGGEST YOU EITHER SAY THAT YOU WERE JOKING OR PACK YOUR STUFF AND LEAVE!" wait no this cant be happing, My own mother is kicking me out. "Mom please just listen, dad what about you I know you wouldn't just leave your own daughter out on the streets."  Hes not even listening to me just staring coldly at me gosh I really did it now and they will never let me come back. I walked back upstairs as fast as I could and packed my bags I also called shawn and he said he would come and pick me up in a few minutes so now im just waiting on the front porch in the pouring rain yea probably should have never told them.

10 minutes later

     "Katy!" oh great I almost forgot I was waiting for shawn to pick me up and now that hes here he can see me crying which sucks but at least its raining. I walked over to shawns car and got in the passenger seat after he put my bags in the bag. As we were both getting back in the car shawn asked me what had happened "Kathy what's wrong?" "shawn can we wait to talk about this after we get to your house, please" I said while sniffiling.

Shawn's POV

    Im really getting worried about Kathy I mean she already tried killing herself once because she was afraid about telling people her secret and now that her parents kicked her out im just worried that she will try it again.

(Skip forward to where there both at shawns house now because im to lazy to write the rest of shwans thoughts on Kathy sorry.)|

   We finally arrived at shawns house after a long silent car ride and honestly all I wanted to do was go inside and sleep but since this was not my house that would be rude of me so I just stood there until shawn was ready to go inside.

"Kathy please tell me whats going on because I don't want a repeat of what happened the last time, you know I just don't want to get up one day to find out the you killed your self." ok Kathy even though you really wish you could, you just cant tell shawn that your still feeling suicidal because honestly that's the last thing you need. "Shawn what in the world would make you think that I would try killing myself again?" Gosh I hope he believes me because I don't need him on my case now. "im sorry I just, I don't want what happened last time to happen again lets just forget about it and just watch a movie or something." "I really don't feel like watching a movie I just want to lay down sorry" Kathy even though you feel like crying right now you cant you have to stay strong for Shawn and everyone else. "Ok come on you can lay down in my bed and ill call you down when dinners ready" "ok thanks Shawn" I walked upstairs to Shawn's room and layed down in his bed while he put my bags by the door, about 4 minutes after Shawn left I finally fell asleep without crying. 

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