Part 7: Finding the Wand

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Harmony P.O.V.

"Ok, then I'll see you later bye." Muriel said as she smiled at us. A very sweet and sincere smile. I gave her a smile of my own and her eyes immediately lit up.

"Yeah see ya later mermaid." Once I closed the door Mal looked at me and Evie.

"C'mon let's go get the boys." Mal tells us.

Once we got there we saw Carlos playing some sort of game and Jay was looking over at the things that I assume he stole. I groaned, him stealing became a habit for him since Jafar was the once who taught him how to steal.

"Jay what are you doing?" Mal said, well more like demanded.

"It's called stealing, its like buying whatever I want except it's free." He says.

"Ok, so you could do that, or you can leave it all here and pick it up when we take over the world."

"Really Mal you can't blame him for stealing Jafar did teach him how", I told her, "Besides we aren't going to be taking over the world our parents are. We're only here to do their bidding."

"DIE SUCKERS!!!!" Carlos shouted at the tv while playing some sort of game. "Jay, come check this out, its awesome!"

"Ooh can I play with you after?" I asked with a curious smile. M on the other hand still didn't looked pleased.

"Do I have to remind you why we are here?" She asked us.

"Fairy godmother blah blah blah, magic wand blah blah blah." Me and Jay said in unison.

"This is our chance to prove to ourselves to our parents, and I know that Ella really wants to get this over with so that she can go back with her dad."

When Mal said that I couldn't help but look down because it's true I wanted to get this over as soon as possible so that I can go back with my parents. That wasn't the reason that I looked down, it was because all my friends want is the recognition of their parents and make them feel very proud of them. Me, Jay, Evie, and Carlos couldn't say anything but nod.

M smiled then turned to Evie, "Evie mirror me."

"Mirror Mirror on the... in my hand? Where is Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?" Evie said as she held the small mirror in her hand.

"Did you really have to rhyme it?" Carlos asked.

"That's how her mom did it back then so..." I told him shrugging my shoulders.

Then looked back at her mirror. "Its in the museum."

"There's a museum 2.3 miles from here." Carlos said pointing at the computer that he stole.

"Ok then lets roll." Mal said.

After that we all left the boys dorm to the museum to get that wand and go back too the isle.

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