Part 10: Remedial Goodness 101

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Helena's P.O.V.

"I'm not lying. I mean it was cold outside that's why I stuttered I still felt a bit cold." I said as I couldn't come up with anything at the moment due to sleepyness, so I yawned.

"Really?" Mal said suspicious of me.

"Can we just go to sleep I'm tired. pweas sisy~" I begged and gave them my puppy eyes and pouty face because I know that no one can resist it. They both softened their eyes, well Mal a little but her eyes were still soft.

"Ok fine but we are going to talk about it tomorrow." She said sternly. Back on the isle I would always joke around with Mal calling her mom because she was pretty much the mom of the group. She never liked that I called her that by the way. She would always give a death glare, but I still called her that.

"Good night then." After that I went to change and hoped into bed. Once I fell on my bed I knocked out almost immediately.

~Magical Timeskip to the morning~

I woke up a bit early because well I don't know I've always woken up early. I got off of my bed quietly so that I don't wake up the girls. I changed (Outfit on the top) and headed out for a while. I went for a walk into the forest. I heard of this place called the enchanted forest and I wanted to go there for a while. While walking around the enchanted forest I felt sad that we couldn't get the wand no thank to Jay that is. Honestly I want to go home to my dad because I have never so far from him before. I was feeling really down, so I decided to sing my mother's lullaby she would sing to me. She told me that whenever I feel down I should sing it.

While I was singing I remembered my mom and dad how they both look at each other lovingly. My parents, unlike the other villains, only wish for my happiness. The only thing that they ever want is for me to be happy and I have been very happy with them both. Remembering all this made me feel tears flowing in my eyes. Oh how I missed them so much. I have never been so far from the both of them. Once I finished the lullaby I looked at my watch and it was almost 8:00 a.m., so I walked back to the school.

~At Remedial Goodness class~

I got to class and saw that everyone was already there. I sat in the front since the middle seats were taken. When I got there I saw Jake sitting there too. Oh well just great not only am I trying to avoid him, he ends sitting next to me.

"Why are you here Frosty. Failed Goodness class hmm." I said with a fake pout that turned into a little smirk.

"No, I'm the supervisor for the class." Seriously a supervisor, my smirked turned into a frown, really Prince beasty. Does he really not trust us. I sighed and sat down in my seat next to Jake. This is going to be a bit awkward.

"If someone hands you a crying baby do you A.) Curse it, B.) Lock it in a tower, C.) Give it a bottle, or D.) Carve out its heart?" FG asked. Evie raised her hand.

"Evie" She called her.

"What was the second one?" She asked FG. This girl my goodness, she is so smart all she has to do is actually pay attention.

"Oh ok anyone else." FG said a bit dissapointed. Seeing as no one wanted to answer I looked up from my drawing and raised my hand.


"C.) Give it a bottle." I replied.

"Correct." I felt a bit proud of my self. That was honestly an easy question for me, but not so much the others.

"Damn girl you are on fire." Carlos told me.

"For me its because either my parents or pain and panic would give me a bottle of milk whenever I cried." I started saying. "But for you guys just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."

"Oh ok" They said.

Then all of a sudden a girl in a celest dress, short hair, and a celest headband with a bow, came in. When she got to the middle of the classroom she started to walked faster and squeaked. She must be scared of us. She walked infront of FG.

"Hello dear one." FG said to the girl. Now that I think of it the girl looks a lot like FG. I turned to Jake with a 'who is that?' look

"That's Jane she is the Fairy Godmothers daughter." Jake whispered to me and I made an 'o' face.

"You need to sign off the early dismissal for the coronation." Jane said. Mal nudged my arm from behind.

"Everyone here remembers my daughter Jane." FG said. "Ok Jane this is everyone"

"Mom!" Jane looked at us nervously until she saw Jake. I'm not gonna lie when I felt something weird like not anger, but something bitter. Something like Jealousy. No no no no no I cannot be jealous of a guy I just met yesterday. Well to be fair we did almost kiss yesterday. Ok enough Helena remember what you guys are here for stop getting distracted by some guy.

"Jake what are you doing here?" Jane asked him.

"Supervision." He said like it is so boring. As if he wasn't staring at me the whole time. "Your mom asked me to." She made an 'o' face. Then she turned to all of us.

"Hi that's ok don't mind me as you were." With that she left.

I looked behind me to where Mal is and we looked at each other. We both had the same idea. Her eyes turned green and mine turned blue, but they were very pale to notice. We both smiked knowing what to do.

"Let's continue." FG said. "You find a vile of potion Do you: A.) Put it in the King's wine, B.) Paint it on an apple, or C.) Turn it over to the proper authorities."

All four of us except Jake and Mal raised our hands. She called Jay.

"Jay" She called.

"C.) Turn it over to the proper authorities." Jay replied. I got upset that Jay replied, but instead of my hair turning red and fiery, I just pouted and put my head on my table and continue with my drawing. I want Mishka, I had to eave her in the dorm because FG said that dogs are not allowed during class. That sucks.

"I was gonna say that." Carlos whined.

"Aw but I said it first." Jay said in a babyish voice. I sighed 'These boys I swear' I thought. Then all of a sudden Jay headlocked Carlos and started ruffling his hair. They started arguing and fighting. 'They are going to get us sent back to the isle'. Me and Mal smiled at FG in a way telling her that this normal for us. FG tapped her wand on her podium.

"Boys." She said softly. They didn't stop so I stopped them for her.

"Boys! Don't make me call you two by the nicknames I gave you because I know you guys don't like me saying them to other people." I threatened them while my eyes turned blue knowing that they never liked it when I would call them by their nicknames in public. They both stopped and my eyes turned back to normal.

"Thank you dear." She told me and I smiled at her. "I am gonna encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field."

"Oh no that's ok. Whatever that is we'll pass." Carlos said. I clicked my tongue at them. They act just like children at times I swear.

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