Aquarium Date Night

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*Claire POV*

"-et up... darling, get up,"

I hear as someone lightly shakes me, waking me up.

"W-What... oh, Rae?" I ask as I open my eyes, seeing my darling wife standing before me, all dressed and ready to go somewhere from the looks of it.

"Good morning darling, I was going to wake you sooner, but you looked so peaceful that I couldn't bring myself to," she says as she gives me her beautiful smile, which causes me to smile as well.

"Well thank you for letting me get my beauty sleep. If I may ask though, why're you all dressed up? Are you going somewhere or something?" I ask her.

"It's not about where I'm going, it's where we are going."

"Wait, did we have plans or something for today? Because I do not remember any such things."

"No, but I just thought it'd be fun to get out of the house, just the two of us."

"Wait, but what about the kids? We can't just leave them alone."

"Don't worry, I've already found someone to watch them while we go out!" She proudly announces.

"Okay, so we've got that settled. This doesn't seem to be a spur of the moment thing, so where are we even going?"

"Oh, that's a secret! Trust me, I'm sure you'll love it!"

"If you picked it out, then I'm sure I will. Now if you could step out of the bedroom for a second so I could get ready, I'd appreciate it."

"Aww, do I have to? Teehee, just kidding, I'll give you your privacy. When you're done though, I've got breakfast waiting for you at the table," Rae cutely says as steps out of our room.

*Rae POV*

I know how much she loves otters, so I made it my mission to show her some! I've been planning this whole thing out for months at this point, I'm just glad I've finally found the time to for us to go.

She's been working so hard lately, so she deserves to have a good time. I'm going to try my hardest to make sure her day is great!

As I'm in the middle of my thoughts, Claire walks out of our room, looking as beautiful as usual.

*Claire POV*

As I finish getting ready, I walk out to see my wife standing there, with a goofy smile on her face. I remember a time when that would annoy me, now it just makes me happy.

"I see you're all ready to go. Your breakfast is on the table, eat up then we'll be ready to go," Rae says to me.

"Gladly," I respond, before sitting down to enjoy my meal. It still impresses me just how good her cooking actually is.

After enjoying the meal, I feel energized and ready to go to wherever she's planned for us to go.

"It'll take a bit for us to actually reach the place, so we should probably begin now," Rae suggests.

"Well, you know better than I do, so lead the way," I reply as we both get up and head out.

After walking for what feels like an eternity, we finally reach a set of gates.

"We've arrived!" Announces Rae.

"Okay... what exactly have we arrived at?"

"This place is called an aquarium, it's brand new!" She enthusiastically pronounces, before showing two tickets to the man in front of the gate, who then opens the gate for us.

"An aquarium? I can't say I've heard that term before,"

"Well of course you haven't heard it before silly, it's new," Rae giggles out.

"I suppose you've got a point, for once," I tease back.

"You'll see what it is when we get inside, come on!" Rae says as she grabs my arms and rushes inside.

"H-hey! You're supposed to ask before just grabbing someone... wait, what is this?" I ask as I see what's inside. I see a glass wall, filled with water behind it. Then, wait, are those fish in there? How'd they get this into a building?

"Cool, isn't it? There's all sorts of fish and other aquatic creatures housed here,"

"Hmm, that is quite interesting... how did you hear about this place anyway?"

"Oh, I have my ways," she says, winking at me.

We walk through the exhibits together, hand in hand, until something catches my eye.

The cuteness, the movements, this could only be one thing...

"Otters! Rae, Rae there's otters here!" I ecstatically shout, running up to the glass.

She didn't tell me there would be otters here! They're so cute, otters are the best! People around us are looking at me funny, but I can't help it. When I see an otter, I can't help but just melt from their cuteness.

"See? I told you that you'd love it here," Rae proudly states, though I'm too entranced by the otters to respond.

"Well, I'll let you continue watching them. While you're doing that, I'll go to the gift shop to pick up a souvenir for May and Aleah, I'll be right back," Rae says, as I simply give her a quick thumbs up, before returning my attention to the cutest creatures on earth.

I'm so engrossed in watching them, I completely lose track of time. I'm only brought back to my senses when I feel a hand of my shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, darling, have you already finished picking out those souvenirs?"

"Claire... I finished doing that two hours ago."

"What? Two hours ago, how is that possible?"

"You've been staring at the otters for literal hours, you seemed like you were enjoying yourself so I didn't bother you,"

"Oh, I apologize for being inconsiderate, I was just enraptured with them,"

"Seeing you happy was the only reason for coming here, so if you were happy, I succeeded."

"I was happy indeed, thank you for bringing me. Though now I feel that I owe you something,"

"Oh Claire, you don't need to-"

"The kids will be out for the rest of the day, correct?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, you went ahead and took charge of this date for me. So in return, I'm taking control to repay you tonight,"

"R-repay me? W-wait, you don't mean-"

"That's exactly what I mean, prepare yourself, Commoner."

Rae's face turns a deep shade of crimson as I grab her hand and begin walking home.

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