Otherworldy Interests (Alien Princess Request)

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*This is a request by @Icarus223!*

*Claire, against her best wishes, is sent to earth to "observe its inhabitants". There, she meets an odd Earthling.*

*Claire POV*

"Must I be the one who goes, father? Those earthlings are so... weird!" I complain.

"That's why we need to observe them. We have a basic knowledge of them, but we lack a deeper understanding of how they work. That's where you come in," my father replies.

"But again... why me?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that, just know that there's a good reason for why I'm sending you, specifically," my father says.

"Can't I at least take Lene with me? I really don't feel comfortable going to that weird planet alone... you know I hate being alone," I desperately ask.

"I'm sorry Claire, but you're the only one who can do this. You're my daughter, that's why I have the utmost faith in you to do this right," my father explains.

"If you insist father... then I'll do it. How long will I be gone, though?" I ask.

"It should be for around a year. Which, is actually around two years in Earth time," my father tells me.

"I have to stay on that strange planet for almost a year, alone?! Those people can't even grow tentacles out of their-"

"Enough! You're going and that's final!" My father demands.

"Y-yes father..." I reluctantly agree.

"Good, don't worry Claire, you'll be fine. I'm sure of it," he confidently states.

I don't understand how he can be so confident in this. This is an unexplored world we're talking about here! But, he is my father, so I should probably just trust his judgement, there has to be a reason for his secrecy.

"So when am I going? Do I need to pack?" I ask, and he shakes his head.

"Lene already took care of the packing, you can depart immediately," he says.

"Immediately?! Father, surely-" I'm cut off before I can finish.

"Claire," he simply says as he glares at me, and I back down.

"Yes father... I'll head to the space pod immediately," I bow before turning around, but he quickly stops me.

"Make me proud out there, daughter," he says, hugging me.

"Y-yes father," I stutter out, embarrassed by the affection he's showing.

"Now get going, I'll be waiting for your return," he says, patting my back. In the risk of being held up even more, I just make my way to my designated space pod.

I take one last look at my home world as my space pod begins to take off. It's going to be a long ride, so I decide just take a nap. It'll help get the couple months long voyage over with.

*2 Months Later*

"ALERT! ALERT! SHIP'S NAVIGATION SYSTEMS OFFLINE, BRACE FOR IMPACT!" I hear my pod's alarm beginning to blare as I'm woken up from my nap. I look out, and see that Planet Earth below. Wait... did it say navigation systems were offline? I feel my pod begin shaking, as I see the outside engulfed in flames.

"Ah! Oh no, oh no, oh no!" I begin panicking as I mess around with the controls, trying to regain control. But it's no use, it seems I'm destined to crash. I have no other choice but to brace for impact, and hope I don't die on impact.

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