Villainess Birthday

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*A/N1: Happy Birthday Claire! This'll be a shorter chapter this time, but don't worry, I'm working on a longer chapter for next time!*

*Rae helps celebrate Claire's birthday.*

*Claire POV*

"Oh Lady Claire, Lady Claire! Good Morning!~" the Commoner states, running towards me.

"Annoying as ever, I see," I roll my eyes, stepping out of the way, causing her to crash into the wall.

"Ow, come on Lady Claire! It's your birthday, I just want to give you a hug!" The Commoner whines.

I sigh, then look at her, "are you okay? That was a hard slam into that wall," I ask.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Thank you for being so thoughtful Lady Claire!" She exclaims, jumping up. Okay, clearly she's fine.

"Hmm, good. You can't set up my party if you're injured. I'm expecting a grand party," I tell her.

"Of course! Nothing less than the best for my lady!" She promises.

"Good, how are the preparations going, by the way? You sent out the invites, correct?" I ask her, trying to confirm.

"Um... yeah, of course! And your cake should be done by about midday today, so we'll celebrate then. So just hang on a bit longer Claire, it'll be great!" She declares.

"I'm sure it will, as my servant, I expect only the best from you," I say.

"Then the best you shall get!" She boasts, as she runs back to the baking area.

I guess I'll just enjoy some tea while I wait... I hope she doesn't disappoint me.

*A few hours later.*

"Lady Claire~ I'm all done, come on!" She excitedly proclaims, running up to me.

"About time you got that done. So let's see how great this party really is," I tell her as I stand up and begin following her.

We arrive in the room, but I notice something off right away.

"Commoner... where is everyone?" I ask, noticing that it's only us in here.

"Um... well... you see... they all couldn't... make it..." she slowly says, failing to maintain eye contact.

"They all... couldn't make it?" I ask, confused.

"Uh... yeah! They were all very busy with... you know... life and stuff. Oh, but Lily is here though!" She explains.

"Lily? Who's Lily?" I ask, only just now noticing the nun standing in the corner of the room.

"Oh yeah, you wouldn't know who she was yet... just pay her no mind. Don't worry, she doesn't even have a speaking role this chapter," she responds.

"This chapter? Ugh, never mind, trying to understand you sometimes is impossible... but back to the invitations, how could no one be available? Sister wouldn't miss my birthday like that... did you even send those invitations?" I ask her, suspicious of her.

"Of course I... ugh... no, I didn't. It's just, I worked so hard on this party... and if they were all here, you'd pay more attention to them... I'm sorry..." she says, tears forming in her eyes.

Yeah, I figured that's what she did... but oddly, I'm not as mad as I feel like I should be. She went against my direct orders, but, I sort of feel bad for her now.

"Hey... it's fine. Not every party had to be a huge event. And, I suppose you did work hard getting this all ready... so I'll let it go, just this once," I say, reaching my hand out to her.

"R-really? You're not mad?" She asks, looking up at me hopefully.

"Well, I guess that depends on how great this party is," I cheekily say. This seems to excite her.

"It'll be the best! I baked you a chocolate cake, I got you a present, oh you'll love it!" She shouts, jumping up like she wasn't just crying a second ago.

"Let me guess, you got me an otter plushy?" I ask, certain of what the gift was.

"Huh?! How'd you know?" She asks incredulously.

"Commoner, that's the only gift you ever get me..." I state.

"Wait, I've never gotten you an otter plushy before!" She defensively says.

"You got me one just last chapter," I tiredly say.

"Hey, only I'm supposed to break the fourth wall!" She pouts.

"I guess that's something I learned from you... so how about, in return, I teach you how to give someone a gift they really want?" I ask, smirking.

"Do you not want the plushy?" She sadly asks.

"Of course I want the plushy, but... ugh, just get over here!" I declare pulling her towards me.

"W-woah, L-Lady Claire?!" She exclaims as I pull her into my embrace.

As we sit there, I can feel her heart beating progressively faster and faster. I hear her breathing getting quicker, and I feel the heat on her face as I hold her in my arms.

"A-am I dreaming right now?" She asks, her voice conveying a combination of confusion and bliss.

"No, this is very real. As my servant, it is my duty to teach you how to properly do things. This is how to make someone feel special... and also, I want to thank you for setting all this up. You didn't have to do this for me, so even though it's my birthday, I decided that you needed a reward too," I say, pulling her away so I can look at her face that's as red as a tomato.

"Oh my... I think I might faint..." she mutters, looking dizzy.

"But if you faint, you won't get any cake. You worked so hard on it, don't you want to see me enjoy your cake?" I ask her, as I help stabilize her.

"Heh... I'd want nothing more. Wait, what about Lily? Are we giving her any cake?" She asks. Ugh, I already forgot about that girl.

"If you want to give some of your cake to her, go ahead. She's certainly not getting my half," I declare.

We both begin chuckling, as I finally cut the cake, ready to enjoy my birthday.

*A/N2: Once again, Happy Birthday Claire! I'm sorry if this chapter felt a bit rushed, the next chapter will be a full one!*

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