Company Party (Reversal of Fortune part 3)

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*A/N: First off, hello everyone! I know I'm just a bit off my original deadline, but it took me that long to get the motivation I needed to write. Second off, this chapter contains implied sexual assault. If you're sensitive to that sort of thing, then feel free to skip this chapter.*

*Rei and Claire head to the New Year's party, where they have an encounter with Rei's ex girlfriend, Kosaki.*

*Rei POV*

Well, the day of the party is here... I know Claire's more excited about it than I am, but that doesn't mean I'm not excited. I'm just... a bit worried, that's all.

I should also probably go wake her up now, she's got to be pretty comfortable in my bed... I really have to start messing with her as much as I do, the couch is really starting to get uncomfortable.

I proceed to go knock on the door to my room.

"Claire, it's time to get up! We have to get ready for the party later today," I say through the door... no response.

"Come on sleepyhead, get up! Don't make me come in there, I will tickle you!" I threaten through the door. Again, there's no answer from her.

"Alright, I'm coming in!" I announce, before opening the door and walking in.

"It's time for... huh? Wait, where's Claire?" I ask, now suddenly concerned. She's not the type to just disappear, I really hope she's-

"You called for me?" I hear from behind as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Kyah! C-Claire?! Jeez, you scared me half to death!" I exclaim, seeing who it was.

She chuckles before saying "apologies, I simply wanted to have a bit of fun."

"It's fine, where'd you even come from anyways? I swear I didn't see you when I woke up," I reply.

"That's because I wasn't in here when you woke up. I woke up before you, so I decided to take a walk outside while you were asleep. I just happened to get back here at the perfect time," she explains.

"Well, you really got me good there. I suppose it's good that you're already dressed. You do remember that the party's today, right?" I make sure to ask her.

"Of course I do! I'm very excited for the party, aren't you?" She excitedly asks.

"Of course I'm excited, but-"

"No buts. We will go to that party, and you and I will have a fun time. I know what you're worried about, but don't let that girl ruin this day for you, alright?" Claire cuts me off to tell me, a sympathetic look in her eyes.

Yeah, I'm worried about Kosaki being there, I can't help it... but Claire is right, I shouldn't let her ruin it for me. This is our unofficial first date (though she doesn't appreciate me calling it that,) so I have to make the most of it!

"Am I really that easy to read? You're right though, thank you," I tell her, smiling in appreciation and a bit of embarrassment.

"No problem. You remind me a lot of someone I used to know in my past life, so you're almost like an open book to me!" Claire boasts.

Wait, who could I possibly remind her of? I don't remember any character from Revolution who were close to her and acted like me, maybe there was a side story or something I missed... as much as it pains me, Claire's number one fan, to admit!

I Favor the Villainess OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ