[Part 1] Villainess's Obsession (Yandere Claire Request)

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*A/N: This is a request by @Viewer3602! It wasn't originally supposed to be 2 parts, but I got carried away writing the first half. Considering how long it's been since I've uploaded a chapter, I decided it would be best to just post the first half as part one, instead of making you all wait even longer for a new chapter. Don't worry! Part two shouldn't take as long to post as part one did... probably.*

*Claire rejects another one of Rae's advances, but her response leads to an awakening within Claire.

*Claire POV*

"For the last time Commoner, stop your foolishness at once! I don't love you, I will never love you, got it?!" I scold the commoner for the millionth time, her declarations of love never get any less ridiculous.

Usually she'd just laugh my refusal off and continue her foolishness, but her reaction here surprises me. Well, reaction is a strong word, her lack of reaction is the real surprise. There's no joy, no sadness, no anger, there's just... nothing. Honestly, her blank dead stare is sort of terrifying.

Eventually, she very clearly forces a smile and says "of course Lady Claire, I won't bother you with those feelings again," before wordlessly exiting the room.

From then on, that's how she'd act. She kept conversation with me to a minimum while she worked, and tried her best to avoid eye contact with me. Any traces of joy or vibrancy that once existed seemed to be gone now. She still did her job, honestly she may have even improved on that front, but I've found her new attitude to somehow be even more annoying than her old one.

While I definitely was annoyed, her behavior wasn't exactly top priority for me. Sure, things got a lot more boring with her acting like that, but I still had Lene to keep me company. If that commoner wanted to act like that, then she could do whatever she pleases.

Until that fateful night, when my oldest friend betrayed me. After Lene betrayed me, her brother and some masked man summoned a Chimera to kill us. The commoner and I did eventually take it down, but it would've been a lot easier had she actually communicated during the fight.

"Commoner, were you trying to get us killed?! Had I not caught onto your plan, we would've never defeat-" I'm cut off as I hear someone behind me.

"You're still nothing but a little girl!" The masked man shouts as a knife descends upon me. It's too late to dodge, so I just close my eyes brace myself for the impact. But that impact never comes, as when I open my eyes again, that man is pushed back, and the Commoner stands protectively in front of me.

While she's in front of me, I notice blood dropping down to the ground. I look up to see the source of the blood, and I see a knife lodged into her arm. Did she just... block that knife with her bare arm?! Seeing her bloody, with a knife in her arm, awakened something within me. For the first time, I felt like killing someone, I had absolutely zero second thoughts about it.

"You may not be a noble, but that doesn't mean I won't kill you!" The masked man states, charging forward with another knife. When he does this, I simply point my wand at him, and sear that knife right out of his hands.

"How DARE you injure my servant?! I don't know who you are or why you're doing this, and I honestly don't care. If you injure my property, then your life is forfeit!" I say, as I launch a barrage of magic his way. Though he manages to run away before I can kill him.

"It's unfortunate that he couldn't be ended, but oh well," I say, shrugging my shoulders. When I look back at the commoner, I notice the blood again.

"Commoner, you're bleeding, get over here," I command her.

"I'm fine Lady Claire, I've had worse done to me," the Commoner says, clearly lying.

"Commoner, there is a knife sticking out of your arm, don't tell me you're fine," I say, glaring at her.

"I'm telling you, it's no big deal. I'll still be able to carry out my duties, it'll just take a little healing," the Commoner says, practically brushing me off.

"Commoner, I'm not worried about your duties right now! I just... well, just don't do something foolish like that again, you hear me? You can't serve me if you're dead," I tell her.

"But I'm your servant, my health doesn't matter, yours does" the Commoner says, much to my annoyance.

"Ugh... just go get that healed, alright? That's an order," I command, to which she bows and heads off to get herself healed.

As she's leaving, the prince's finally arrived, took them long enough.

"I heard a racket, what's going on?" Prince Thane asks.

"Don't worry, we handled the situation, no thanks to you," I say, glaring.

"Hey! Thane, Claire, what's going on here?" Rod calls out, rushing towards us.

"Me and the Commoner fought off both a chimera and an assassin," I explain.

"Well, everything is good on our end. We've got the Aurosseau siblings, and the reinforcements from the army have arrived,"

"So Claire, you say that you and Rae fought them together, so where is Rae right now?" Prince Thane asks.

Hearing him ask about her angered me, so I snap at him by saying "why do you care? That commoner is my responsibility, not yours!"

"Woah, he's just worried about a friend, Claire," Rod says, putting his hands up.

Friends?! Since when were they friends with her? If they're friends, that means they talk to each other, right? But she barely even talks to me! Maybe she doesn't even like me anymore, what if she plans on abandoning me for one of them?

No, I absolutely will not let that happen! I refuse to be abandoned again. I need her... I... I love her. I must make sure she never leaves me, she'll be only mine, and I'll be only hers. A love you're willing to do anything for... is this how Lene felt?

I'll admit, the fact that she will probably be executed does sadden me, but there's nothing much I can do. Besides, I just need to focus on the Commoner, let's hope my feelings get through.

"Claire! Hey, earth to Claire!" Prince Rod says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Claire, did you hear anything we just said?" Prince Thane asks.

"Huh? Can't say that I did. Sorry, but I've got things to do, if you'll excuse me," I say as I begin walking back to my room to think.

As I'm walking away, I hear Rod ask Thane "hey, does Claire seem off to you? She was really defensive about Rae. She just feels more... aggressive than before, you know?"

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. She just got betrayed by her best friend, so she's probably feeling vulnerable right now. She's just clinging onto whoever's closest to her, I don't think it'll take long for her to return to normal," Thane responds.

I can't help but smirk when I hear that response. There's only one thing he got wrong... if they get in my way, they'll regret not worrying about it.

*A/N 2: I'll be honest, I have no idea how to write a yandere, but it was requested, so I am determined to honor it! Also, the next part will contain physical and emotional abuse, so feel free to skip that chapter if you're sensitive to that sort of thing. Don't worry, I won't get mad.*

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