Chapter 3

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Izuku: Well, this is it.

Izuku is wearing the UA uniform as he is in the cafeteria of the Chaldea Building as all Inko and all the Servants are ready to see him go to UA

Artoria (Lancer): I hope you're ready Izuku.

Sherlock: It will be a long journey ahead of you.

Inko: And we will be there by your side. Remember that.

Izuku: Of course!

Inko: Just be careful not to draw too much attention Izuku.

Izuku: Of course Mom.

As both the Mother and Son duo hug each other.

Inko: I'm so proud of you Izuku. Just remember I will always love you.

Izuku: Thanks Mom and I love you too.

As they both shared a tearful hug as Izuku goes to the exit and waves bye to his Servants as he heads to UA. Da Vinci (Rider) walked with Izuku for a while just to clear up some things.

Da Vinci (Rider): So Izuku, when you summon us do you want to refer to us by our name or class?

Izuku: I'm not sure but I think it's best if I call you by your name. I mean it's been so long since you guys were ever talked about. I mean at this day and age all that people talk about is Heroes. So, yeah I think it's safe for me to refer to you by your names.

Da Vinci (Rider): Of course Izuku. Anyway, I'll head back to the Building. Good luck and call us if you need assistance.

Izuku nods as he waves goodbye to Da Vinci (Rider) as he makes his way to UA.

UA: Hallways

Izuku is walking in the hallways of UA as he tries to find his classroom.

Moriarty (Ruler): 'You know you can just ask someone for directions right'

Izuku: 'I know, but I want to get a look around the place'

Edmond: 'He's right you know. It's best we head to your classroom first'

Moriarty (Archer): 'I agree with my younger self my dear boy, it's best you head to your class. Wouldn't want to make a bad impression'

Astolfo: 'You think that explosion boy is here?'

Mordred: 'Knowing him and his Quirk, he probably is'

Queen of Sheba: 'Izuku, just remember this isn't Aldera anymore. Bakugo won't do anything he did to you back at Middle School. Trust me'

Just then Izuku hears a voice behind him, he looks and sees Uraraka.

Uraraka: Hey, Midoriya right?

Izuku: Oh Uraraka.

Eli-chan: 'Hey it's the girl we saved!'

Hector: 'Looks like she made it after all.'

Uraraka: It's good to see you again. I guess we both got into UA! Isn't this great.

Izuku: It is Uraraka.

Uraraka: I thought I wasn't able to pass but luckily those Rescue Points save me in the end.

Izuku: Well all that matters Uraraka is that you're here.

Uraraka: What's your class anyway?

Izuku: 1-A

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