Chapter 1 (The Letter)

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      It's here, finally, you would think that after a hundred years of refining the classification system it would be a little quicker. Alas, it does make sense, to take the test at the end of 11th grade, and get your results a year later after graduation. Then you can take a year to bond and or get used to your role. After the year you are free to go by yourself or stay with whoever you were assigned. It probably doesn't take a whole year for the government to figure out your classification but they also need to find you a partner. There are times you don't get paired with anyone and have to wait a few years, the age difference can't be more than 10 years though.
     I am so excited! I can't wait to find my partner. I'm not into any of the sub-dom relationships, I know I will get a vanilla partner. I grab my letter and resist the urge to open it, instead, I put it in my back pocket. I am waiting for Sam to get here, we decided on my house since nobody else lives here, well... unless you count my mom but she isn't exactly present. She has work and stuff. Oh my god! Where in the world is Sam! I texted her the second I got my letter, hopefully, she got hers too.
      My knees are wobbly and knocking into each other, I need some water. I go into the kitchen get a glass cup from the counter, and fill it up with some water. Ding dong! I put the cup down and run to the door!
"FINALLY you were taking forever!"
She reaches in for a hug and I swerve to the side and put up my fist instead. She knows I don't like hugs and yet she tries every time!
She fistbumps me and says "yeah sorry, trouble at home, dad is being... dumb again."
I roll my eyes.
"Your dad is a fucking dumbass. Come on, do you want anything?"
Her dad isn't the best, I have seen the bruises, I have given her the ice packs and she has even slept at my house for a week once. I will not sugarcoat for her.
"No, it's fine! Come on! I got my letter too! Where is yours?"
I grab the letter from my pocket, maybe it wasn't the best place to put it, since now it's crinkled but oh well.
I wave it in front of Sam's face and she squeals and says "I'll go first! Wait no, you go first! Yeah, you."
Rolling my eyes I open it up and start reading. Not nervous since I know my classification.

"Dear Charlotte Dumphry,
We are happy to report your classification results came back and you have been given a match. You are a little and-"

Dad joke of the chapter:
What does a fish say when it swims into a wall?
*feel free to comment your own (I might end up using some*

I'm a little?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz