Finally getting rid of the enemy

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I haven't seen Andrew for a while and I'm starting to get worried, but he has been sending me flowers and he sends cards to. Every card he write sorry on them and don't understand why. What he sorry for? He did nothing wrong. I went over to Camilo's house and everybody welcomed me. I said hi back and saw camilo. I kissed him and we went into the kitchen to eat what his aunt made. I will never get tired of her cooking. I see Mirabel and her new girlfriend she met 2 weeks ago. She has beautiful brown hair that goes all the way to her elbows and a long blue green dress with little white flowers on them. I see then holding hands and giggling to each other. I recently learned her name was Gabriela. I went over and greeted them.

Y/N- hey girls, having fun?

Mirabel- hey y/n, you know your always here and it feels like you just live here. Don't you ever go a day without coming? Not saying I don't like you to come here just you've been handing out with Camilo so much....and I just kinda feel bad for dolores, you know she hears a lot of things when you come over right?

I can feel my face turning very red. I see her Gabriela giggle next to her and I sighed. I joined their little laugh session and went over to Camilo.

Camilo- hola amor.

Y/N- hey Camilo, where's Antonio?

Camilo- oh, he went outside with my mama to cool her mood down.

Y/N- what happend?

Camilo- my papa started fussing over something but I don't know the details.

Camilo said eating a piece of his arepa. I nodded and we both ate a bit, well I ate a bit while Camilo keeps on grabbing food and placing them on his plate. I began to feel full and i felt like going to the restroom. I told Camilo that I'll be back and I went out of the kitchen to the bathroom. As I was on my way there I thought I saw someone familiar walk past the window. Honestly it scared me a bit but I didn't let my paranoia get me. As I was Done doing my business I went to the kitchen to find Camilo. He wasn't there so I assumed he was in his room, but he wasn't in there either. So, I went downstairs again to ask someone if they had seen camilo.

Dolores- hola y/n. How are you?

Y/N- hola Dolores, have you seen camilo anywhere?

Dolores- yes, my mama has sended him to do duties out in the town.

I nodded and thanked Dolores. I went outside to look for the love of my life. As I was looking I kinda had this weird chill that someone is watching me. I walked faster but I was glad that there were a lot of people here in town. I waved to a couple of people that said hello to me and saw Augustine. I decided to go over there and ask him if he had seen camilo walk past him.

Augustine- heyy, hola y/n. How are you?

Y/N- I'm fine and you?

Augustine- never been better. Although I keep on hiring hives. I gotta be more careful for my surroundings.

He said as he shivered. I chuckled and asked home if he had seen camilo. He said he saw him go into a house but that's all. I asked if he can point at the direction and he told me where to go. I thanked him but then I felt like I was going to bother him. I'm not worried about him or anything but ever since Andrew hasn't been at my side anymore I felt lonely. I guess I just missed him. I haven't seen him for weeks. Augustine told me that he went into a green house. Soon I found it but it looked a bit old. Like the whole house was going to break down any minute. I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer.

Y/N- Camilo, it's y/n. You in there Amor?

I yelled and continued knocking. Nobody still hasn't answered. I began to worry. So I looked through the window and everything inside was trashed. BroCkEn glass on the floor, counters busted and the pictures and paintings were all crooked on the wall and things trashed on the floor. I felt like panicking so I decided to kick down the door.

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