Ocean Breeze

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A/N: Hello everyone!
This story is a bit of a passion project. I left the countryhuman fandom for a few years now, but I hope to be back with this book. I know a lot of people were really interested in my other story, Addicted, but I started writing that when I was a new writer, and I never made a plot outline. Every chapter was just me winging it, and to be honest, it was just a way for me to vent. This story is MUCH more thought out I promise. I hope to update chapters every week, and I hope you all enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it! 

 I wanted to thank all of those who read my other book, it meant a lot to me when I was writing it. It's a shame that I lost interest in writing it but it was fun while it lasted! I hope by now my writing skill has increased as well haha :]

ALSO PLEASE NOTE: If you didn't already read this from the book description: This story has some ideas and themes inspired by the TV show Stargate SG1. Enjoy!




(POV: Germany)

 Static pulled at my face and clothes, ripping and buzzing as I fell through the atmosphere. The intense wind brushed and whipped my shoulder-length hair in front of my eyes, the cold abrasive feeling of compression all around me. Tingling sensations spread throughout my entire body, ice and heat coming together in a confusing mix. I felt like I was in a hailstorm, before being met face-first with coarse grass.

The wind blew gently. My clothes stuck delicately to the grass. Aromatic musk and humid salt spray were evident in the air. Breathing in, I could feel the moisture enter my lungs. The breeze brushed the shell of my ear, softly reminding me of home. The salt smell gave the indication I was not where I was supposed to be. I stiffly got up, golden grass beneath me. Looking around, dark green Eucalyptus trees towered overhead, and the dirt was coarse and dry. Turning my head, I could see the deep infinite expanse of a great body of water. The crashing of waves far below reached my senses. The baby blue sky overhead was clear of all clouds, with no indication of rain. The light cascaded over the water in golden ribbons, blanketing the blue like marble. 

 My hands rested at my sides, feeling the unsavory material of my clothes. The work dress code was strict and uncomfortable. 

 The sight before me was undoubtedly a sight that only a lucky few had seen on the job. 

 Oceans were a thing of the past. Earth was a thing of the past.

 I knew Earth had oceans but never got orders to visit Earth anyway. No one had. It was considered off-limits.

 Even then, it was particularly uncommon for a planet to have an ocean. I wonder which planet this is.

 Breathing deeply, I could smell things. Plants, the salt in the air, the sweet smell of flowers.

 In the artificial habitats back home, all you could smell was the pungent taste of iron and chemicals. 

 Looking down, I saw my satchel on the yellow, crisp grass. Picking it up I rummaged inside looking for my way home. 

 I certainly wasn't where I was supposed to be, and that was an issue. 

An ocean wasn't in the description of the drop location, and there were no signs of civilization just by quickly glancing around. 

 At last, I pulled out a small, opaque golden capsule, with a small plate screwed onto the side.

 This was my last one. I needed to get back home and get more, maybe if I explained I dropped in the wrong timeline, they'd forgive me. 

 Running my free hand through my black hair, I could already feel sand between my fingers. Quickly I stuffed the pill back in my bag and threw the satchel around my shoulders. The plastic plate over my chest was beginning to annoy me. The stretched and synthetic grey fabric underneath pulled taught over my skin. I seriously couldn't begin to think how this was an effective field outfit.

Sunset in 1950 (America x Germany)Where stories live. Discover now