The Three Soldiers

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(POV: Germany)

The strongly scented aroma of the coffee was so pungent, I thought I might gag. Salt and chemicals were so common back home, you were lucky if you found a bottle of perfume for sale in the streets. Most of that stuff was too strong anyway. Too strong and too foreign. 

 I was drawn from my thoughts when a sharp voice cut the air.

"Aus, please you can't be serious!" A man in a simple white shirt laughed sarcastically, before scoffing at the person sitting across from him. They were at a table to my left, the first man leaning over the table with his arms crossed.

"Ame, there's nothing here for either of us. Join up with me! We can leave together. I'm telling you, this is our ticket out of here! Besides, don't you want to serve and honor your country? You've done it before. Even came home with medals." The second man had dark blue skin, I couldn't see his face but his voice was soft and pleading. He was in a uniform of some sort, with a sewn badge I didn't recognize on his sleeve.

He must be joining this place's military.

The first man had a much deeper, commanding voice, and I could tell he was getting upset as he leaned farther over the table, reaching out.

"You can't go, Aus, you can't leave me here. I'm not joining up, you remember what happened to Father. You remember what happened when I came home! I refuse to go through that again!" He took a deep breath, running his hand through his blue and silver hair. "It's been 5 years, and already we're going to war again. Can't you see how useless it is?" His voice was no longer filled with anger, but with heartbreak.

His hands stayed open, laying face up on the table. He never looked away from 'Aus', as he called him, but the dark-haired man looked down before getting up. He stepped away from the booth and straightened his jacket.

"America, I leave in 4 hours." He took a long breath and glanced out the window. "If you're not there, I understand... Goodbye, brother." He looked down at America still in the booth, patted his shoulder, and turned around to leave.

Hurridly, America got up, shrugging his overalls over his shoulders.

"Hey! Come back, I'm sorry, listen, please!" He pushed his way out the door, and that was my cue to follow. I was too invested in this now, and besides, maybe 'America' could tell me what was going on and where I was.

Slipping out the door unnoticed, I followed the rowdy pair down the concrete pathway, in front of the automobiles.

"Aussie, come on- you can't be serious..." America's muscular form followed him like a puppy, trailing behind with his head hanging and shoulders slouched.

"You never shut up about leaving this town, so what's so bad about me leaving this way, huh? Ame, we don't have any money. We don't have anything. It's just you and me in this town, you're chasing dreams if you think we can move out of here on our own. You don't even own a car, for crying out loud!" America stared downward as Aus spat out the last remark.

"Fine then, leave and go win some glory! That's what you're after, aren't you!"


"Leave, and maybe you'll come home with some gold medals to rub it in! The little brother went out and had his piece of the war!" Anger flared in the voice of America, stinging like venom.

Aus simply stared back at America, hurt and confusion clouding his gaze. He ever so slightly furrowed his brow, and a few strands of blue hair fell in front of his eyes. His face was decorated with stars and a red and white mark at the top right of his forehead. Some of the red and white bled into his hair, but only slightly. You had to really be looking to notice it.

Sunset in 1950 (America x Germany)Where stories live. Discover now