Here on Earth

67 4 21

(America's POV)

I woke to find Germany on my couch, sleeping soundly with that same metallic sheet covering his person as when I found him on the street. It looked almost like tin foil.

Before I could turn around my eye caught a glimpse of his shoulders, and I realized he was still wearing my jacket from last night.

The feeling of butterflies erupted in me and I had to cover my face out of embarrassment. Even though Germany was still asleep I didn't want to risk him seeing me like this. My heart was pounding- just the idea of him sharing my clothes was overwhelming.

I guess my romantic wishes were turning into an embarrassing crush.

I put on a casual T-shirt and some cuffed blue jeans, dreading the hot July sun. It was my day off, and all I could think about was how I could get Germany to stay for a little while longer.

That thought escaped for the moment as I went out to check the mail. I made sure to open the door so that it wouldn't creak like usual, as to not wake Ger.

Walking to my mailbox I thought about how Germany seemed to fall into my life so suddenly. I mean, it felt like destiny that he had followed me in that Diner. I didn't know where this journey would take me but I knew that I wanted to have him with me. 

A deep sense of longing filled me, and I felt like if I looked upon his cute face and dark curls for too long, I wouldn't be able to control myself from expressing these feelings. 

It had been a very long time since anyone had made me this cheesy and ecstatic. 

Once I reached the mailbox, I looked inside and disappointment settled over my shoulders. I should have known that Australia hadn't even reached Hawaii yet, but I desperately wanted to see a letter from him sticking out of the little metal box at the end of my driveway. 

His car shined in the late morning sun, and the trees swayed with a gentle breeze. 

I thought about Australia, and guilt filled me. I should be there with him, right by his side on that damp rusty ship, and instead I was here, chasing a fling with some guy I barely knew.

I mean really, I hardly knew anything about Germany, and here I was dreaming about our future together on a countryside tending to our little farm or something absurd. My dreams and aspirations to leave this town would have to wait though, at least until Australia got back home safely. 

Honestly, I felt awful that I didn't go with Aus to the recruiting station. I let my fears of returning to war keep me from protecting my little brother. What kind of an older brother does that? I knew Canada would never do that to me.

Entering back inside, I closed the door carefully and set the other mail on the kitchen counter. Germany turned over in his sleep as if I wasn't even here.

I thought about taking him out to breakfast, but I didn't have any money for that...

Wandering through my kitchen, I opened the fridge and pulled out some fruit, eggs, and cheese. The brilliant idea of an early morning picnic in the woods above the cliffside made my heart flutter. The only question was whether or not Germany would join me.

I heard him stir and awaken to the noise I was making, and I turned to greet him.

"Morning, sunshine. We slept in. It's around 11 am."

Germany mumbled something while rubbing his eyes, sitting up on the couch. He shoved off the foil blanket and swung his legs over the side of the cushions, sighing. He looked troubled.

"I don't know what you've got planned, but it's my day off and I was wondering if you'd like to join me for breakfast?" I said. He turned to look up at me from across the room, creasing his eyebrows and pushing his long hair out of his face. His hair was kinked from sleeping on it all night, and it was sticking up in all directions.

Sunset in 1950 (America x Germany)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora