A gift

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Germany's POV

I walked closer to the docks, my heart fluttering. Is that him? 

 The sun glare obscured my vision, but I could see a tall, handsome man lifting heavy boxes and equipment up onto a cart to wheel onto the ship. He wore a white t shirt that was pulled taught over his muscles. God, he was so sexy...

 Walking closer, I worried about America recognizing me. I checked the time and realized it was almost exactly midday. Perhaps I could say hello when he was on lunch break. 

 Just as the thought entered my mind, a loud bell sounded once, and then again, and on and on until it struck 12 times. The men on the ships all shook hands and dispersed, and I knew now was my chance. 

I fixed my hair and rubbed the sand off my face, and shook my shoes out. Walking up the steps to the docks, America's back was turned to me. He was digging through some sort of bag, and he pulled out a sandwich. He sat down and started eating, leaning forward on his knees. He looked so gorgeous. 

My entire face flushed at these thoughts... I'd never looked at anyone this way before. Why was he different?

I approached him from behind, and as I was standing over him, I tapped his shoulder lightly. 

"Hm?" He turned to look up at me, his mouth full of sandwich. Once he saw me, he ducked down and choked, his whole face turning as red as his stripes.

"Ahem," He set his sandwich down and swallowed harshly, awkwardly looking away from me before taking a drink of water.

Finally, he stood up and faced me, his hands hiding his nose and mouth. 

"Germany, wow... you look, fantastic." He coughed a little more before revealing his face, smiling in disbelief. His cheeks were so pink, it was adorable. 

"Germany?" He asked again. I realized I had been staring at him like an idiot. 

"Oh, uhm, I thought I'd come here and learn more about Earth. Its, nice here." I mentally hit my hand against my palm, he was going to think I'm stalking him!

"Learn more about Earth, huh? Are you secretly an alien or what?" He chuckled and ran one hand through his hair. The sun glinted on his face at just the right angle. It lit up his eyes into a fiery red color.

I looked away shyly, not knowing how to respond without confusing him further. I wanted so badly to tell him about myself, but I knew he wouldn't understand. The advancement of technology here is practically non-existent. They wouldn't understand a fraction of the daily conveniences we have back home. 

I realized I kept calling it home instead of the future. It never really sank in that I am indeed thousands of years in the past. I guess with this job, I became numb to the odd reality that our civilization made a mockery of 'time being constant'.

I could tell America got tired of waiting for me to answer, but instead of another quip or joke, he reached out his hand and brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. I looked back up at him, my heart beating out of my chest. My eyes went wide as he stared back at me. 

"You do something with your hair? It's nice. I like it." He quickly dropped his hand and pretended nothing happened. 

"Uhm, no, a tailor styled it. I don't know what she did to make it this way." He looked me up and down before responding. 

"Right, you got some new clothes, I see. They look great on you, way better than that wetsuit you had before. Glad you could pick up something nice." I nodded, looking down again. I wasn't sure where this conversation was going, I just knew I didn't want to leave his side. 

Sunset in 1950 (America x Germany)Where stories live. Discover now