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- the cold street nights of london were usually quiet , and you would feel uneasy or you'd feel comforted , of course by someone who you thought was there for you . today , the streets were crowded , and mothers were holding their children close to them , aware of the crimes comitted . most men were surrounding the electronic stores to see the news , other people would be watching from their houses , doors locked and cuddled up in their blankets . you'd be waiting for a call where someone asked about you , but no one really called . that's just human nature . defending yourselves .

" police say that there has been an awful crime yesterday midnight , an unknown killer has killed an innocent secretary , amy hills . they are doing everything they can . this isn't the only crime that has happened these days , but remain calm . everything will be alright . "

desdemona , behind all the people crowding on the streets , was lighting a cigarette . she took a long deep drag and let it out , before muttering , " no ones gonna save the city this time . "

desdemona ; oscar e.Where stories live. Discover now