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- "des it's almost 11:30 ge- what are you thinking about ? " nico barged in and looked at desdemona with a face full of concern .

" oh yeah , just thinking of things to get from the grocery , you keep eating everything . " desdemona lied but laughed and went all smoothly .

" oh alright , but i just wanted to tell you they canceled the party or whatever it is . " nico looked at desdemona and she could tell he lied but des nodded because she didn't wanna go anyway .

" oh and you have a friend . " nico told des and des took a glance at nico .

" you know you don't have to tell me everything and get everything to me . i can do it myself . thank you very much nico . " desdemona walked over to nico and gave him a brotherly hug , meanwhile she smiled at the door when she saw oscar , she didn't know he was coming over .

" i'm leaving now so , remember this , safe sex is the best sex . " nico walked over to oscar and patted his back before leaving .

" sorry he's a little out of his mind . come in . " desdemona walked over to oscar with a mysterious yet sweet smile playing on her lips .

" actually , i was thinking we should go hang out for a while . " oscar fiddled with his fingers and glanced at desdemona .

" you're not one of those douche guys who'll take me to some strip club , right ? " desdemona laughed and oscar frowned and shook his head .

" no , i'd rather take you out to watch the stars while eating something you'd like . " oscar smiled as he described the perfect idea of a date according to desdemona .

" fine let's do it , let me chan- " desdemona turned her heel to walk to her room but oscar gently gripped her wrist .

" desdemona , i don't care if you're in sweats or without makeup or with glasses . you're beautiful either way . " oscar smiled and let go of her softly and desdemona nodded with a grin .

" sure , let's go . " desdemona slipped her nikes , grabbed her phone and keys , and shuffled out with oscar .

" do you wanna walk or ? " oscar asked des while looking walking out the apartment .

" i'd rather walk , it's better . " desdemona gave a chaste smile and began walking slowly , dunking her hands in the sleeves of her sweater .

" are you cold ? do you wanna have a hot chocolate or ? " oscar asked , reassuring himself that desdemona was glad so far .

" oh no no , i'm good oscar , thank you . " desdemona reassured him , and started walking further .

" are you trying to run away ? " oscar joked and shuffled to desdemona , arms crossed .

" no no , of course not . why would i ? " desdemona laughed and her laugh was heaven to oscar's ears .

" i dunno , just a question . " oscar shrugged and gave a simple smile and desdemona nodded .

oscar knew how it felt like to be loved and he knew how to love , but desdemona doesn't know how love feels like .

minutes later , desdemona got a bit too cold and they both were in need of a snack , so they headed to oscar's friends' cabin since he doesn't come here .

" it's lonely here . " desdemona mumbled as oscar opened the lights and desdemona headed to open the lamps .

" yeah , he doesn't come here often . " oscar informed desdemona as he opened the chandelier light .

desdemona looked at the clock and it was 11:04 pm , she sighed and took a seat on the couch near the fireplace .

" you still cold ? i can open the fire if you want . " oscar told desdemona and she nodded with a thankful smile .

" yeah sure , thanks oscar . " desdemona laid back down and pulled a soft blanket to her .

" i'm gonna leave you to rest now , i'll be in the other room if you need me . good night . " oscar took a long glance at desdemona as she stared at the fireplace .

" okay , thanks . you too " desdemona looked back and gave him a smile before he walked to the room near .

but i hope this chap is good
so i mIGHT make a new book or two so
ILY GUYS - vote and whatevs
- farah xx

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