Chapter Two

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Chapter Two ~ First Day

(Y/n) slowly opened her (e/c) eyes, squinting in pain when the morning sun hit her eyes. She groaned as she recognized what woke her up, her alarm. She took her phone out, noticing its low battery, shutting off the alarm.

She too took notice of her pounding headache, though ignored it for the time being, instead choosing to look around. She didn't recognize where she was, this wasn't her dorm.

(Y/n) then noticed a shift of something or someone next to her, her feeling panic setting in, before realizing who it was.

"Is this Phoenix's dorm?" (Y/n) muttered, before last night came into her mind, a heavy flush settling when she realized how she acted.

(Y/n) quickly, and carefully, got up off the bed, making her way out of the dorm, making sure she didn't wake Phoenix whilst doing so.

Once she heard the reassuring click of the door of Phoenix's dorm shut, she turned to the door over, feeling her pockets for her key. Last night she checked one of her back pockets, her drunken mind not registering that she had other pockets, and that she always kept her key in her front left pocket.

She swiftly unlocked the door, embarrassment making itself well known.

(Y/n) decided to shower and get ready to go, before she made a fool of herself further.

Once (Y/n) finished showering and putting on her uniform, along with charging her, almost, dead phone, it was time to go.

(Y/n) made sure to grab her key and other essential items, before stepping out and locking her dorm door.

As luck, or bad luck in (Y/n)'s opinion, she ran into Phoenix, who was also getting ready to leave.

(Y/n) quickly made her way towards the elevator, not waiting for Phoenix.

Phoenix took notice of this, quickly catching up with her, "Good morning to you too then."

(Y/n) avoided eye contact, embarrassment and memories of last night still fresh, "I'm sorry." She quickly spurted out, Phoenix giving her an odd look, pressing the down arrow of the elevator.

"For what?" She questioned, not sure what she would be apologizing for.

"I apologize for my behavior last night..." She started, stepping into the elevator, a flush on her face as she said the next part, "...and falling asleep in your dorm, on your bed."

Phoenix blinked in surprise, before she laughed, "No need to be sorry for that, you did drink too much, but it's alright. You didn't throw up on my bed or anything, so you're good."

(Y/n) forced herself to laugh too, though admittedly did feel a bit better at Phoenix's words.

"Wow, I haven't seen this in a long ass time." (Y/n) sat down in the chair, pulling it out from under the table. She was looking at the thick manual on the F/A-18 Hornet, opening the book to the front page, before letting it shut.

"I know right, we had to read this thing cover to cover in basic training." Phoenix sat down in the chair next to her, opening her own book.

"True, so I honestly don't see the point in giving this to us." (Y/n) pushed the manual to the side, not interested in reading it.

Phoenix shrugged as the other pilots filed in, Phoenix narrowing her eyes into a glare at Hangman, as he sat down in the chair to her right, just across the isle.

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