Book one, Chapter 1

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9pm. The cowardly yet brave officer gazed upon the crime scene, looking at the picture of the missing boy simultaneously. "Huh. a boy named yin missing yesterday, last found here, maybe his parents forgot him when they went out or something." He decided to slowly creep up to the house, but was hit on the head, and had passed out. The last thing he heard was a oinking sound.

He woke up in a house, slowly realizing somebody took him inside. "Huh. Looks like somebody took me inside the house. Odd...." He decided to walk around the house to adjust to his surroundings. Seeing someone who looked like another object, except they had no mouth, and glowing eyes. "What the hell...." It slowly started moving towards the officer, as he realized there was a bat in its hands. He attempted escape, but realized the front door had been locked while he was knocked out.
He then saw a key, and obviously grabbed it, collecting key after key until he'd finally found the key to the white door. He escaped cleverly, seeing that the object pursuing him didn't dare to leave the house... like it knew something was going on....
" that was fucking scary.." the object huffed after running as far as he could away from the house before stopping.
"Hm? What's this? Oh! A message from OJ!" He eagerly opened the message from his boyfriend, hoping it would be something good after that wild chase. Unfortunately it wasn't. the message read "PAPER! THERES A NEW VIRUS GOING AROUND DUE TO A CURE SOME SCIENTIST MADE. STAY SAFE, LUV U ❤️❤️"   Paper was shocked. This wasn't just one weird guy in a cosplay suit, no.

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