book one, chapter 9

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"alright, this is the city! So we have to fight the infected and get to the safe place!"
"EXCUSE ME? YOU DID NOT TELL ME THERE WERE GONNA BE INFECTED. YOU SAID SAFE. PLACE. NOT UNSAFE PLACE!" "Jeez, jeez! You have one heck of a temper... what'd you say your name was again?"
"paper." "right! You have one heck of a temper paper!" "anywho, let's just go!" paper, lightbulb, and paintbrush fought off the infected altogether, afterwards, paper noticed something under a purple car.

a picture of a boy with red hair, with a flower in it as he was smiling lied under the car. It looked abandoned. "hm, maybe I should take it with me. it most likely won't come of use but I could frame it!"
paper walked back to lightbulb and. "Good, you're here. Now let's-"  lightbulb  was interrupted by a shadow watching her, it peeked out from the dumpster near by. It ducked down when it realized it was being watched. "what was that?" "does it look like I know?" "you're always so sassy, yeesh!"
"Lets just follow it!"

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