Book 1, chapter 2

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Paper had ran to the station to attempt to warn the other officers about the danger, but alas, he was greeted with a message from the chief.
The message was cut off.
"Well shit, just when I thought my day couldn't get ANY worse."
He decided to open the door he entered through and take his leave but it was locked.
"Well damn, who has it out for me?"

Again he unlocked every door, until he got to the garage, revealing OJ.
"Good! You're safe! Now hurry your ass in the car and let's get out of here!"
OJ had already got the gas, so Paper got in the car and they drove away. "You know, you're lucky it was my day off, or I wouldn't have heard the news and warned you." "Well if it wasn't your day off, you'd be infected."
Let's drive to the gallery, it shouldn't be too crowded today."
They were surrounded by a swarm of infected.
"Well fuck."

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