Chapter 3 - The First Death

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The school day went by quite pleasantly. I mean, I didn't expect it to go terribly, but I enjoyed myself. It was a relief to just be able to breathe and relax, not have to worry about putting up a front or pretend. Nobody knew who I was, after all.

Clarissa seemed more than happy to show me around school and acted a lot nicer, which was a relief because I didn't want her to feel annoyed that I always followed her. She showed me the two libraries (and which one not to use), the music room where some students in our year were attempting to start a band, the cafeteria (from that moment on I decided I would bring my lunch from home), and the art room.

Regarding the actual lessons, I found the work relatively easy, which shocked me. The textbooks made the facts and figures much easier to memorise, even if our teacher's voice was fun to listen to. And even if I didn't understand the notes the first time, I was able to go and refresh my memory again during study hall. It really shocked me, but I found that maths was my favourite, and chemistry came at a close second. I never expected those two subjects to be easy to grasp.

When it got to the end of the day, Clarissa pressed a piece of paper with her phone number written on into my hand. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't own a mobile phone, so I just thanked her and slipped it into my pencil case.

"So, how did you enjoy your first day?" Clarissa asked me by the school gates.

I nodded. "I loved it, thank you!"

"Yeah?" Akira stretched his arms upwards. "I promise you, it isn't that great when it becomes a chore."

"Akira-kun says that he's sick of Yomiyama," Clarissa told me.

I raised my eyebrows. "But this town is so small and beautiful, why do you hate it?"

Akira sighed and lowered his arms. He adjusted the straps on his backpack - a different bag to the rest of us. "The size is the reason. There's a whole world out there, and I'm stuck in this small town. I want to go explore! I'm doing my best to apply for high schools in Tokyo, then I can apply for student accommodation there."

"That sounds amazing," I smiled.

"Don't encourage him," Clarissa shook her head at me. "Having dreams is beautiful, but you know your parents would never let you move away at such a young age, right, Akira-kun?"

"My birthday is at the beginning of April, I'm one of the oldest in the school year," Akira explained as if he had a comeback for every objection thrown at him.

Clarissa looked like she was about to protest again, but she just smiled. "I suppose you'll just have to send me postcards, right?"

"I'd write to you and text you every single day, Clarissa-chan! You can come and visit me whenever you like!" Akira nodded enthusiastically. Then he pulled back his sleeve and examined his watch. "My cricket session start in half an hour, I best be going. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye, Akira-kun!" Clarissa waved.

Akira sprinted off, and Clarissa turned to face me. "Where are you off to now?"

"I'm heading home," I replied. "What about you, Clarissa-san?"

"Mee too. My home is passed the hospital," Clarissa sighed. "It's too bad that we don't live closer. I'd invite you to walk to school with me! I usually walk to and from school with Akira-kun before he started his cricket training after school. Since he does cricket, he doesn't have to partake in a school club. Lucky."

"Are you in a school club, Clarissa-san?" I asked.

Charisse shook her head. "Since I'm standing in for our class rep, I am excused from club activities."

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