Chapter 10 - Sensei

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I awoke bright and early and didn't feel tired. I had managed to eat all of my breakfast. The inside of my bag was organised nicely. I wanted to think it was going to be a good day, but the last time I thought that I ended up meeting and losing a friend on the same day.

At school, in our beloved classroom,  Riku was sat at his desk. Whilst nobody was looking, I smiled at him, and he managed a small grin back.

When the bell went, the room became quiet as we waited for Ishida-Sensei to arrive. But he didn't show up.

"The staff meeting must be running late," Clarissa announced to the rest of the class in a professional manner. "Please remain seated until he arrives."

"Ridiculous," Hirohito scoffed, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms. "There's no reason for a teacher to be late. Students get told of for being late all the time, what gives the teacher the right? I mean, this is our education time we're wasting!"

"Oh my God, don't you ever shut up?!" Ran groaned at Hirohito. "You're as bad as Kojima-kun."

"Hey!" Yemon cried defensively, standing up in his chair.

"And since when have you been so dedicated to studying?" Ran continued, also rising to her feet.

"Did you know that if the teacher doesn't show up to the lesson, you're allowed to leave after waiting for twenty minutes?" Akira asked to ease the tension.

"Is that true?!" Ai asked, her eyes and mouth open.

"Of course not," Clarissa scowled.

Just then a female teacher i didn't know walked into the room. Her high heels clicked on the floor, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I am the teacher for class 3-2," she introduced herself. "And I have to inform you all that Ishida-Sensei will no longer be your teacher. We are giving you permission to go home. If you can't leave just yet, please remain here and spend a few hours in study hall. A teacher will be along shortly to watch over you."

Clarissa raised her hand. "Excuse me, Sensei, but why can't Ishida-Sensei teach us anymore?"

We were all thinking the same thing, although nobody wanted to say it...

The women hesitated. "...There's no point hiding it from you... Ishida-Sensei is dead."

The words we were all waiting for. I heard Ai whimper from the back row.

"How?!" Hirohito asked, standing in his chair again.

"Take your seat, please," the teacher said. "And I don't know if I should tell you the details, but... your teacher was found hanged in his house this morning. Police suspect that he killed himself."

I could feel everyone growing uneasy, and felt all churned up inside. Our teacher had killed himself... This was the third death this month... This curse wasn't slowing down...

Once the teacher left, Akira got to his feet. "I'm gonna head off."

"Sit down," Clarissa snapped. "You're not going anywhere."

"What's the point in staying?" Akira asked.

"It's school hours, we need to study," Clarissa said, her hands shaking. She cleared her throat. "Let's review the chapters we looked at yesterday."

"Seriously?!" Hirohito said angrily. "Our teacher has died and you want to work?!"

"I think she's just trying to help," Makomoto whispered.

Hirohito raise this arms as if he was surrendering. "Oh, forgive me!" He said sarcastically.

"Ai-chan doesn't like the way Hirohito-kun is talking! Hirohito-kun needs to respect and get along with everyone!"

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