Flashback 4

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"You can't be afraid," Mai told him. "They're not going to hurt you."

"They'll think I'm weird," the boy replied miserably. "What I have isn't normal..."

"Then you explain what happened, and they'll understand," Mai said. "If we have any chance at surviving this curse, you may be able to help."

The boy sighed and blew his too-long fringe out of his face. "I'm ashamed... They already think my condition is weird-"

"Because you haven't properly explained it to them," Mai concluded. "You just need to tell them that you can contribute to finding out how to stop the calamity..."

"I can't," the boy sighed.

The chill blew stronger, making then both shiver. The boy tugged his coat further around his body, before reaching inside his bag, fumbling for a moment, and pulling out a pair of black gloves.

Mai tried again, desperately. "You can't be ashamed of—" 

"I'm sorry," the boy turned his head away.

The gloves were on.

Then he swing his bag over his shoulder and walked off, not giving Mai a second glance.

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