12| A Whole New World

46 10 1

Requester IcecreamSundae5 

Reviewer WriterofStarlight 

Title & Blurb

The title is perfect for the story.

The blurb is very dynamic and gives a strong glimpse into the main character's personality.


I've never read a book with a plot like this. It's so unique and dynamic, with every aspect of the story making me want to read more. I'm curious to see how she ended up in the book, and what will happen with Nick if/when she has to leave.


Your characters are so dynamic and relatable. There's an immediate connection between the reader and Zee, starting from the first paragraph. Everyone has their own distinct personality, and their interactions had me laughing constantly. I really like that you explore their fears, thoughts, and perspectives, particularly with Zee and Nick.

Story Sequence & Pacing

The story is paced beautifully, giving the reader moments of calm while simultaneously on the edge of our seats for more. Everything flows smoothly.


Overall the grammar is really good! The only thing I'd suggest keeping an eye on is the tense confusion. Personally, I would suggest sticking to present tense since that seems to be what you're leaning towards anyway.

You also tend to write in sentence fragments, where two sentences could be combined into one. That being said, I actually felt like it added to Zee's personality and showed me exactly how she would be saying things.


This is such a fun, lighthearted, and creative book! It's the kind of story I would read over and over again. Keep it up :)

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