18| Beyond Reasonable Doubt

29 6 1

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Requester MiniMoxx 

Reviewer OutOfMyImagination 

Hello and thank you for requesting the review. Since the application didn't specify the chapter count, I want to make it clear I read 20 chapters. If you have any questions comment here or dm me.

Engagement 20/20

The story is informative, and very engaging way, there are no boring parts or info dump. Each new chapter has vital information about the characters but also keeps a mysterious aspect of the story. I was invested in the story from the start.

Concept 10/10

The concept is new to me, sure there are plenty of amnesia-driven books but none of them in this particular way.

Cover 10/10

The cover is well-made and fits with the genre and theme of the story.

The book description 10/10

The book description is great as well, it gives us enough information on Montana-Dakota but keeps River as a mystery at the start.

Technicalities 49/50

The technical side of the story is amazing, with no grammatical errors and the punctuation is good as well. The characters are well-described and easy to imagine, scenes could be described better but it leaves some space for the reader's imagination. The plot of the story seems well thought out except for one part of it. I guess it's possible for River to not realize Montana-Dakota is Dakota, but it took him a long time to realize that. The girls maybe had similar features but his realization came from a scar so they should look like almost twins, yes it's possible that his brain tricked him, but what about Dakotas-Montana's funeral, or viewing? No one realizes it's the wrong girl and they are not even related. Again it might be possible with Holdens connections but this detail bothered me throughout the story. If Dakota-Montana would have some sort of face injury after which she needed plastic surgery, like a nose job or something like that for me it would make more sense. I haven't read the whole story so it might be added later and make sense then.

Total 99 /100

Overall: I really enjoyed the story and your writing style. The only reason why I stopped reading is due to time and pending other reviews, I am sure I will finish the book in my spare time. Good luck with your writing! You doing great!

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