30| Keeper Of Demonic Forces

24 7 2

Requester BellaArtz 

Reviewer OutOfMyImagination 

Hello and thank you for requesting the review. As your application said, I read 10 chapters. If you have any questions comment here or dm me.

Engagement 17/20

The story is interesting to read. It has a good balance between daily things and the supernatural part of the story. The chapter length is good as well. Though I am missing a bit more on the world build, maybe there are explanations later, it's enough to understand the story though.

Concept 9/10

The concept is interesting, sure we have a troupe of a seemingly ordinary girl becoming something special, but the story has a unique spin on it and the world itself feels fresh to me.

Cover 10/10

The cover is nice and meets the story genre.

The book description 10/10

The book description is good, it's telling enough to know what to expect from the story and has a balance of plot and main character description.

Technicalities 48/50

Grammar and vocabulary are good and easily understandable. Early chapters have fewer descriptions, especially for characters and it was harder to imagine the scenes. Later the story became more descriptive. The fight scenes were good and easily imaginable. I really don't have much feedback on the story's technical side, it's polished enough, though there are a few words that are seemingly repeated by accident. So just keep up the great work! 

Total 94 /100

Overall: You have a great plot and your characters have unique trades as well. The story is in the first person and for this concept, it's a great choice not sure how I feel about that small piece in the third person, it feels out of place. I understand you wanted to include the antagonist of the story but the same information could be said in dialogue at some point. Good luck! 

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