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He leaned on his bed, and closed his eyes. But suddenly he reminds of the girl earlier and Unknowngly a smile rose to his lips.

'That puffer fish'

And suddenly the door bell ranged. He rolled his eyes and thought 'Don't tell me that puffer fish is back'

He opened the door and found Jisoo there, bowing her head.

"Why are you again? Do you like being in Police Station that much"

She bowed infront of him and said it loud "I am sorry Sir, please forgive me for my rudeness"

'Is this the same girl from earlier?'

"However you should also make sure to know the truth before jumping into any conclusion. I just wanted to greet you, I don't had any other motives" Jisoo said.

Jungkook replied "I think it's my fault and I also I am sorry but I think from now on you wouldn't enter anyone's property without permission"

Jisoo clenched her fist in anger, gave him smile and thought 'This rude ass dumbass, I want to punch his face right now, but what if I got hanged this time?'

"BTW Sir neibhour, don't you think it's a shame that the owner of this society live far, what if anything happens with the people" Jisoo said with a smile.

Jungkook leaned on the wall and looked at the girl suspiciously.

Jisoo panicked a little by his stare by managed to hide it with a smile.

"And don't you think it's a little dangerous for girls to stay outside right?" she asked.

"What is your motive?" he asked in his usual uninterested tone.

"What?" she asked

"It's clear there is a motive, behind your sudden change in behavior, tell me what do you want?" he said.

Jisoo fidled her fingers nervously lowered her head while pouting said "I lost my keys, let me stay here for one night please"

Jungkook rolled his eyes 'Knew it'

She sat on the couch nervously. She never ever wanted to ended up in her enemy and bad omen's house, however Devil is playing with her today that is why she is in this difficult situation.

Jungkook sat in front her and without even blinking. Jisoo who was started to get annoyed finaly spoke "Stop staring me like this, it's comfortable"

"What do you expect me to react on a person staying in my house who attacked me and I don't even you, beside you're little creepy" he said.

"Since, Sir let me stay here for tonight I would like to assist you to the eye doctor nearby, looks you have problem in it" she said and smiled.

He leaned a closer to her and smirked a little "You seem to be quite courageous person"

"What do you mean?"

"You are staying at a stranger's house for a night, quite bold of you" he smirked.

She leaned closer to him, staring at his eyes confidently and whispered near his ear "I know you will not do anything strange"

Jungkook who was taken aback by her boldness to look straight in his eyes, tried to hide it and said with the same smirk "Why you think so"

Jisoo jumped to the corner of the sofa and said "Well someone normal cannot send this beauty jail, people call me boy's heartbreker for nothing, but you didn't show any interest in me so that means..."

She lower her voice a little and again said "You're not interested in girls or you are born without hormones, because noone can ignore my charms"

Jungkook thought 'I should have call for mental hospital than Police station' and sigh secretly

And rest of their conversation went Jisoo talking about her beauty and greatness.

( Jin out of nowhere "I taught my twinnie well"
*Felling proud mama* )

( Jin out of nowhere "I taught my twinnie well" *Felling proud mama* )

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630 words

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