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Jisoo flipped through the mattress. Her dress was in vulnerable condition; same goes to her hair. But that didn't matter to her at that time.

"Jungkook's cousin have a crush on him! And his aunt supports? What the fucked up family is this!"

"I know that, you don't have to loud ji.. " Jungkook entered the room without any announcement however as soon as he spot Jisoo's vulnerable condition, he flipped and closed the curtains, that was hanging on the door.

Jisoo felt dumbfounded but then she realised that her short dress was tucked in her panty, and it was showing.

Out of embarrassment she quickly tucked her dress out and sat on the bed straightly.

"What were you saying just now?" She said, probably trying the awkward situation however it backstabed, since she couldn't stop blushing.

Jungkook cleared his throat before speaking "I know it is quite complicated to understand but my younger cousin luxia was strange since childhood, I never was bothered with her since the relationship between aunt junha and gradpa worsened after father's death.

As far as I remember, she was just a trouble maker child but i never expected that she will develop such incestuous thoughts towards me.

Aunt Junha quite spoil her a lot so that's why she believes we should marry since we do not are direct siblings but cousins"

Jisoo spoke "Doesn't incest lead to complications, I guess?"

Jungkook noded his head "It do. It can lead severe physically disability in the offsprings, doesn't matter the parents are siblings or just cousins, if they are blood related than there are high chances of the child to suffer mentally and physically"

"Than why are you aunt supporting?" Jisoo asked

"I am yet to figure it out, Either it is excessive love Or stupidity"Jungkook stated while opening his wrist buttons.

" I'll choose the latter" Jisoo giggled for a while until she noticed that jungkook was putting his coat in the cupboard.

"Hey isn't this my supposed to be room?"

"Old man said, we have to share"

Jisoo jumped in shock and busted out "we are yet to marry!!"

Jungkook whose gaze was fixed on the cupboard shifted his sight towards jisoo. His eyes widen open made jisoo realized that what she said.

'Where is the window? I want to jump!'

Jungkook who was shocked awhile before grabbed the opportunity to tease her. He came closer to her and said "I know that i am worth falling for but you should not forget that why we are here."

Jisoo was red in embarrassment and wanted him to forget already but on the contrary he started to speak again.

"I think it's quite danger for a defenceless innocent man to be in a same room as perverted crazy woman, but i am helpless because of old man. Who knows what would you do with me" Jungkook sighed.

"I- I am not like th- that" Jisoo stuttered unknowingly.

"You barged into my house without prior notice, not once but thrice when I was bathing. You stole my keys. Made alot trouble. Threw my clothes. Burned my food on purpose. Made your dog poop in front of my door. Criticized me with the help of neighbors. Ruined my date. Made myself a bastard in front of my date, who abandoned her pregnant girlfriend.And worst of all, You have Dirty thoughts about me!!! And still you say you are not like that?"

Jisoo was speechless. She indeed did that. Guess what? It's better to sleep than argue.

She pulled the blanket and pretended to sleep. It was not good that Jungkook was here too.

Grandpa glanced towards the young couple in front of him. They were dressed nicely, with Jungkook wearing a white shirt and dark blue trousers and jisoo wearing a peach coloured dress with accessories, however there was certain things he could not understand.

"Why you both have eye bags?"

Jungkook and jisoo avoided the gaze remembering how they fighted in the middle of night for who will sleep on the bed.
And ended up sharing instead since they do not had extra blankets and pillows, thanks to certain grandfather of Jungkook.

"We slept late" Jungkook said.



Still silence

Jisoo wanted to jump from the window because of awkwardness but alas! What a bad luck it was ground floor.

Grandfather did process everything slowly but he did in the end. Doesn't matter it was a snu snu misunderstanding.

"Yah yah slept late, children nowadays surely are active hahaha" Grandfather intended to lower the awkwardness ended up increasing it.

They all avoided each other's gaze. Either by looking under the sofa or ceiling.

Until they heard someone approaching.

"Grandpa! Oppa!"
"Father! Kook!"

They hated to admit but they were glad that those women whom they wanted to avoid came. Atleast no more awkward time.

(Author- It's gonna be action time bishes😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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