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7| Proof

Jeongin sat next to Chan. Not because he wanted to but because their teacher had just assigned them partners, another cliché moment.

He had gotten used to Chan's presence due to their combined friend group but he was still nervous.

"You will have a time requirement of seven minutes with both partners having equal speaking time, your project's subject should be in your directions that I handed out." Their teacher concluded.

"What's our subject?" Chan asked, not daring to get closer to read the paper due to Jeongin looking like he was going to explode.

Jeongin only slid the paper to Chan, allowing him to read it:

The facts and arguments about soulmates.

"Isn't that convenient?" Chan chuckled, raised an eyebrow at Jeongin as they made eye contact.

"I'll cover arguments." Jeongin rolled his eyes, trying not to be bothered by how attractive Chan's previous action was.

"I knew you'd say that," Chan began, pulling out two sheets of paper, passing one to Jeongin, "Fact one: Soulmates always know what the other is thinking."

"Argument one: That's not a fact, it's a theory. There have been many soulmates who are clueless to the other's thoughts and feelings." Jeongin said.

"Is that so?" Chan raised his eyebrow again, successfully making a point when Jeongin turned a light shade of pink.

"Shut up."

Nothing more was exchanged between the two for the rest of the class period. Only occasional glances.


"Please!" Jisung begged.

"No!" Jeongin rejected his request again.

"Seungmin and Felix can't make it, please, for me." Jisung used his puppy dog eyes.

"It's nice to know I'm the last option." Jeongin closed his locker before walking away.

"No, I just didn't want to drag you along because I know you don't like parties but I'm desperate so now I'm begging."

Jeongin stood quiet, pondering.

"You can drive my car." Jisung added an incentive.


"I'm not going to be able to drive myself home anyways, so yes."

"Fine, I'll go with you."


Jeongin was going to protest but he didn't, he figured he'd let Jisung enjoy himself.


Music blasted throughout the entire house. Jisung and Jeongin were right next to each other, not daring to leave the other's side.

"Well Innie, you did it. You're a senior and officially at your first high school party."

"Yay." Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, it's going to be fun."


"Ugh, what are they, a bunch of middle schoolers?" Jeongin joked, not noticing the excitement in Jisung's eyes.


"I hate you." Jeongin stated as both he and Jisung joined the circle that had a bottle in the middle of it.

I Don't Want To Admit || Jeongchan Where stories live. Discover now