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14| Thank You; A Thousand Words

During the "bonding time" everyone was doing their own thing. Some of them were playing games and some were watching a show or just observing the others.

Felix and Jeongin were cuddled up watching the show, a normal sight for the friend group, while Chan and Jisung played rock paper scissors.

Hyunjin laughed as they got mad at each other, both accusing the other of cheating and laughed even more when Minho instigated another fight after the two had already calmed down.

Seungmin watched the blonde, wishing he'd look at him, but he never did.

Changbin shuffled off the couch, heading into the kitchen.

After a while, Seungmin noticed he had yet to return so he followed after him. Changbin was leaning against the kitchen counter, lost in thought, but he sensed Seungmin.


"Hey." Seungmin lightly smiled.

They never really talked but it was better late then never, right?

"Are you okay?" The younger asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Seungmin scoffed to himself. Last time he heard those words he got broken up with hours later. It wasn't the same situation but the words were still bitter to him.

"Listen, I know we're in a shitty situation and no one's really talking to each other but I'd like to think that we can talk and understand each other. At least that's what these are supposed to mean." Seungmin gestured to their imprints.

Changbin looked up, meeting the eyes of his soulmate.

"It's so much more than that, Seungmin. Soulmates are...special. They're your other half. The one person that could truly feel what you're feeling. But soulmates are also complicated."

Seungmin snorted at the last part, "Obviously."

They made eye contact, and suddenly Changbin felt guilty. He couldn't keep it from the younger anymore.

Changbin let his gaze fall to the floor, "I never wanted you."

He released a sigh.

"It's so unfair to you and Felix. I never wanted a soulmate. I wished that I never found them, but I did. And I'm sorry for not wanting you because now it seems like our situation is karma for wishing you away."

Seungmin knew exactly what Changbin was feeling, "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I felt the same way when I found out Felix wasn't my soulmate. I never wanted to find them either. So, it wasn't just you, okay?"

Seungmin reached out, comforting the other by patting his shoulder.

They shared a look, and a smile. Though they didn't want each other, they were both grateful for the bond they were forming. Maybe finding each other wasn't so bad.

Then footsteps were heard, it was Felix and Jeongin. Seungmin pulled his hand away from Changbin.

Of course Felix looked at Seungmin now, of fucking course.

Jeongin was the one to break the tension as Felix got a water bottle from the fridge, "Come on guys, we're all going to watch a scary movie."

"Why? All the yelling hurts my head, and I already have a headache." Seungmin complained.

"It will be fine. The movie doesn't even involve that much yelling." Jeongin rolled his eyes at the older.

"I'm talking about you guys. You guys scream at every little thing."

"Pleeeaase." Jeongin clasped his hands together and begged.

"Shut up, fine." Seungmin left the kitchen with the other two while Felix stayed back.

The blonde grabbed another water bottle from the fridge before going back into the living room where everyone was already seated. He went to his bag and rustled through it as quietly as possible since they had started the movie.

He grabbed the bottle of pills he always had on him, but they were never for him. He got a couple out of the bottle before putting it away again.

He made his way over to the only free seat, which was next to Seungmin...lovely, isn't it?

He sat down and took a deep breath before nudging Seungmin, which surprised the younger.

"Here." Felix whispered, not because of the movie but because it had been a while since he said anything to the other. He handed him the water bottle and the pills quickly before turning his full attention to the screen.

His peripheral vision allowed him to see the way Seungmin continued to look at him, and how a small smile made his way onto his face.

Seungmin knew the other could see him because the light from the television illuminated the small blush that had spread on Felix's freckled face.

The movie was about to end and Felix still hadn't glanced back at Seungmin, but the small gesture gave him hope that Felix hadn't completely left him.

And so that hope fueled his next actions. He leaned closer to the older, who was actually invested in the movie, and pressed a long kiss to his cheek. Felix immediately stiffened. Seungmin pulled away a bit before pecking his cheek again and whispering into his ear, "Thank you."

Those words weren't even half of what he wanted to say, but they would do for now.

Seungmin leaned back and turned his attention to the movie he could care less about, like he didn't just do that.


End of chapter 14



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