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11| Unfair

Felix quickly entered the school's bathroom. Tears traveled down his face.

'Why did I have to be looking?'

Felix's thoughts ran wild as he paced around the bathroom.

'Why did I have to see that stupid leaf?'

Felix stopped and leaned on the sink, looking at himself in the mirror. His tears continued as the old ones dried on his freckles.

"Felix!" Seungmin finally caught up to the older, he had seen Felix quickly exit the classroom.

Felix turned the water on, washing his tears away. He grabbed a paper towel from the dispenser, drying his face as he turned to Seungmin.

"What's wrong?" Seungmin approached the older, but Felix subtly moved away.

"Nothing. I just needed a minute." Felix smiled.

He tried to walk past Seungmin but the younger grabbed his arm. And that simple action made Felix want to cry all over again. Because Seungmin's leaf wasn't going to imprint itself on Felix's arm, no, it was already on another. Seungmin's imprint belonged to another.

"Seungmin." The younger immediately released Felix's arm, not used to him using his name.


"I swear, I'm fine. I just had a bad moment."

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Seungmin couldn't help but be worried.


But nothing was okay.

Seungmin knew this by the way the older was behaving.

At lunch everyone sat along the table bench on each side, but not Felix. His seat was always Seungmin's lap. But today, he sat on the bench.

Jeongin and Jisung were the only ones that noticed since they had been around the couple for years and knew their behaviors by heart. They both looked at each other, silently asking if they knew what was going on between the two, but neither of them did.

Felix could tell his action hurt the younger, but he did his best to try not to care. He quickly stole a glance at his lover's soulmate before looking down again.

Seungmin stared at Felix's side profile, he knew he was being ignored. So he slipped his arm around Felix's waist, pulling him close.

Felix pouted and continued to poke at his food, not hungry in the slightest.

The rest of the table was filled with chatter, no input from the silent couple.

"Stop it." Felix whispered to the younger as Seungmin continued to pull him closer.

Seungmin fully turned his attention to the older, fed up with his behavior.

"What's going on with you?" Seungmin kept his voice low.

"Nothing. Just stop." Felix hissed out.

He had never spoken to the younger that way.

The couple just stared at each other, feeling a little piece of them break.

Felix couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and took his tray to the trash before walking out of the cafeteria.

The group decided to keep their conversation going in order to avoid an awkward atmosphere.

Seungmin shared a glance with his soulmate before going after his boyfriend.

"Felix! Stop!" Felix was already in front of the school. It was deserted since everyone was either in class or at lunch.

Felix held in his tears. He felt like he didn't deserve to cry, not when he was being selfish by staying with Seungmin.

"I don't want to talk about it, leave me alone."

"No, we're talking about this. What's going on?"

Felix had never seen Seungmin this frustrated.

But he wasn't about to make things easier for the younger.

"I want to break up."

"Lix, stop. Talk to me, don't push me away." Seungmin immediately rejected the idea and approached the older again.

"Seungmin, I love you. I really do. But I can't love you like this. Not when your soulmate is with us everyday and has to see you with me. That's so unfair. I can't...we can't be together." Felix's words made it clear to Seungmin that he knew exactly who his soulmate is.

"Stop talking like this. I already told you it never mattered who it was. I love you, and only you. I know it's not fair to them but I can't burden myself with how they feel, not when you're hurting."

"No. I can't do that. I won't. You can't fight whatever you're feeling towards them. You guys are meant to be together. Not us. They deserve a chance to be with you."

"Fuck that-"

"Seung, please. Just listen to me, you don't know what you could be missing out on if you stay with me. Please...give them a chance." With those final words, Felix walked away from the younger, it took everything in him to do so.


Hyunjin nudged the person sitting next to him, noticing the glance Seungmin threw at him before going after Felix, "What was that about?"

"I have no idea." Changbin lied, pulling down his hoodie sleeve, the material hid his leaf imprint that was caused by Seungmin.


End of chapter 11


Were your guesses of Seungmin's soulmate right?

Someone on ao3 said that they picture Seungmin and Changbin's leaf as a maple leaf...I love it!

I Don't Want To Admit || Jeongchan Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora