Chapter 4

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Hello you beautiful being of creation 🙃 you're looking like a whole damn meal.
Enjoy 😘

Jungkook's POV
She smelt just like her name,the first time my superior told me about the Kingdom of Almasi I thought that it was going to be easy. I felt it the first night we docked into the port, my whole being felt charged like something here was waiting for me,I just at the moment didn't know how much.

The first time I saw her picture,I felt a certain peace wash over me,like when I went home after battle. When I saw her walk past the throne room in disguise that morning,I knew that this was definitely not going to be easy.

She was daring,I didn't know how many princesses would put on disguise to go stare at men's chest because that's what she was doing, she wouldn't fool me. I honestly don't know how no one could tell that she was the princess,her eyes practically gave her away.

Honey,that's what her eyes reminded me of,they had the most beautiful shade of brown I'd ever seen. Her skin was like a dark pearl,which glowed when the sun hit her.

I looked away from her and slightly rubbed my chest to ease the heat. I have to focusi was here for a job and by the way she was glaring at me ever so often from on top of her horse beside me,she won't make it easy for me.

I smirked, after she pleades with the King saying she's strong enough,she doesn't need a guard and someone named Thomas could teach her instead of me,the King was adamant in his decision.

So she resulted into having illnesses,first it was her tooth which shot pain to her head and made it difficult for her to concentrate so it'd be better if it were Thomas since he'd be lenient with her.

Second it was her stomach which suddenly started to cramp but when the king asked her if she still had this pain in the market square she immediately shut up and set out with me to the port. Her glaring told me she thought that I'd told on her but it was the King himself who told me where to find her.So I followed her secretly careful not to reveal myself until I saw her struggling with some lady she'd been helping.

“We're here", she said unmounting her horse.

We were at another part of the port where construction was going on. I have to say,the Kingdom of Almasi was beautiful,the walls didn't make sense to me though because what if someone from the fishing village got lucky and his financial life changed ?

I surveyed the sorroundings as someone took the horses. I watched as she regally walked to the pavilion where the minister of finance I presume, was waiting for her. I stood at a distance and let her do her thing.

Someone cleared their throat beside me and I looked toward them, “Can I help you miss?". She fiddled with her fingers it was Princess Jasmine's hand maid,her name was Honoria if I'm not wrong.

“Are you her majesty's new guard?" She asked quietly her eyes downcast.

“Yes I'm Jungkook", I said smiling and her eyes widened.

“Oh I'm Honoria,her Majesty's hand maid", she said looking at me shyly and I gave her a tight lipped smile.

Something was not right about this girl,my gut churned uncomfortably the more I looked at her. It was as if she wanted to appear docile but there was something in her eyes that gave her facade away. My gut was telling me to get the Princess far away from her, and my instincts were never wrong.

Jasmine's POV
I watched as Honoria fiddled with her fingers and lightly sway on her feet. My sweet Honoria,that...that man was probably telling her lies and she was falling for it. My poor girl,get away from him,he probably does this all the time,charm girls then break their hearts.

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