Chapter 7

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Well hello there gorgeous,diamonds got nothing on you because you're a priceless gem. 😌 You're looking good as hell as you try your best navigating through life💋 Receive an air kiss you strong being of creation 💋💋💌

Jasmine’s POV
I looked at the girl staring back at me, there was nothing royal about her.

Exhaustion, that’s what the healer had said. After that  Baba commanded  that I do not leave my chambers so I’ve been locked in here for the past three days. The only people I’ve seen were the healer, Baba, Mama Patience and Honoria no one else. I felt a pang of sadness when every time the doors opened and the person I wanted  to see didn’t even come see me.

Opening the windows I threw over my makeshift rope made out of my sheets, I mean a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do. I had no destination I just wanted to get out of the room, I took in the night air as I walked aimlessly. It was such a contrast to the day where I’d see people everywhere, now there were just the occasional night guards.

I came to a halt as I read the plaque in front of me, I shook my head and told myself that I just wanted to go to the stream that was on the east wing. The soldiers didn’t  even look at me twice, to them I was just a maid going in for a night of fun with a guard. I came to the clearing and sat down, I leaned against a tree as I listened to the flowing water.

The moon tonight was full, its brightness illuminated everything around.

“You shouldn’t be here”, I gasped as I turned to see Jungkook.

“Jungkook, hi”, I said breathlessly.

“Hello flower”, he said as he came toward me with a stick.
He put the stick next to him and sat down beside me. I looked at his eyes which appeared to be glazed over, it was as if he was looking at nothing and something at the same time.

Slowly, I brought my hands in front of him and started waving.

“It’s rude to do that”, he said and I quickly withdrew my hand.

“Sorry”, I said quietly

“You shouldn’t be here flower”, he repeated what he said earlier.

“Why? I’m the Princess I can be whenever I want”.

“How are you feeling”, he asked and I pursed my lips.

“If you wanted to know you could have come visit me”, I didn’t  mean for the words to come out so harsh but I was mad.

Mad at him because he didn’t even come to me, I’d thought about him a lot the past three days thinking that maybe since we became friends he’d check up on me but clearly I was wrong.

“Sorry I didn’t mean that. I just have a lot on my mind”.

“Is it about the missing villagers?” he asked and I nodded then I remembered that he couldn’t  see.

“Yes part of it. I’m just sad that people have been loosing their loved ones and I didn’t even know about it. Baba said that he’s  conducting a secret investigation so as to not alert the enemy. He thinks it’s an inside job, tomorrow I’m going to meet up with the village chiefs to know which way forward”.

He hummed and we just sat there in comfortable silence, listening to the crickets.

“What’s the other part”, he said after a while.

“What?”, I asked looking at him

“What’s the other thing that’s on your mind”.

“I’m just thinking about Thomas. He’s become distant, do you think that he hates me because of how I treated him that day? He hates me doesn’t he? He’s  behaving weird now, I  notice it every time he came to see me”.

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