BLACK BEAUTY 2:Tides of Time

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Third Person POV

The girl looked at the name displayed on her phone and smiled.

“Tae, I promise you that I’m on my way to her right now”.

“I don’t trust you not to run away”, the deep voice on the other side of the phone said.

“I’m not going to run alright? I’ll see you later”.

Hanging up the phone she looked at the building in front of her.

‘Kenyatta Psychological clinic’, the sign said, the last time she was here was weeks ago when she thought she was at least getting better .

“Here goes nothing”.

Fidgeting in her seat she looked around the familiar room, the white walls she was accustomed to, the loud ticking clock and finally to her doctor. Dr. Regina was her name, the first time they met her she thought she looked familiar.

“Tell me about this dream you had”, the doctor said

She brought her attention from looking around the room toward the doctor.

“It started of simple, I was in a ship, we were being transported somewhere. I remember feeling so sad and empty then the scene changes and I was on top of a cliff and there was this girl. She had clothes like mine “, she trailed off.

“You mean clothes that you had on you when they found you?” The girl nodded as she watched the doctor write something in her book.

“What happened next?”

“She kept saying that only she could have him, he was only hers and she kept mentioning a name….. Jungkook”, she shifted uncomfortably as she recalled the events of her dreams.

“She then plunged a knife to my side and threw me in the water below”,  her hand went to the  side where her healed injury was.

“Do you think this is where your aqua phobia came from?” The doctor asked.

“I think so”

“What do you think triggered these dreams again? You’ve been fine since six weeks ago?”, Doctor Regina asked.

“I think it might be graduation stress? Thinking about what I’m going to do after college and all that”.

The doctor hummed and kept on writing, “My advise to you is to keep on recording your dreams. They are a common reoccurrence in amnesia patients and  they might be a way for you to remember where you came from.”

The doctor looked at her clock “Well Miss Jasmine ,that’s all for today”

The girl stood, “Thank you so much Dr Regina, I always feel so much better after our sessions, I know I’ve told you this a lot but it’s like I’ve seen you before. Outside of the clinic”, she finished off quietly looking off in the distance completely missing the smile on her doctor’s face.

“Well I’ll be leaving now I’ll see you next week Dr Regina”.

“Oh before I forget, does the name Jungkook ring a bell to you “, Jasmine paused as she felt a burning in her chest at the name.

“No, I’ve never heard of the name”.

A/N: I couldn't leave you without doing a book 2 beautiful. All good things come in pairs 😌. Thank you again for everyone that has read this book you guy don't know how much it means to me 🥺.

PS keep a look out for book 2, BTS as a whole will be in book 2. Get ready for a surprise twist, see you in book two beautiful. 💋

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