Chapter 6

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Hello beautiful,
Thanks for stopping by, you're looking sizzling 🔥. Enjoy

Jasmine's POV
I had a smile on my face which did  not want to go away. I bit my lip in an effort to conceal it but I couldn't I was just happy today.

“Your Majesty, you've had this smile on your face from this afternoon. His Highness thought you were unwell at dinner. I wonder what's making you this happy ",she teased.

I sat as she put a scarf on my head, “Nothing, I just think that today has been a good day don't you think? " I asked her as I looked at her reflection in the mirror.

She just smiled as she finished tying the knot,“Oh before I forget, here's your chai".

I frowned,“I thought that is only for in the morning ".

“Mama Patience says it's better for you to take it twice,in the morning and evening before you sleep".

I took the cup and went to sniff it, expecting the bitter smell but it surprisingly smelt fragrant.

“I added some sweet smelling herbs ".

“What would I do without you Honoria?", I tipped the cup back and drank it in one go.

What in all creation was this! My eyes were teary and I'm pretty sure my throat is on fire.

“Honoria, what is this? Death in a cup? Why is it even bitter than this mornings?" I asked coughing.

“Im so sorry Your Majesty,I thought the herbs I added would help. I didn't know I'd make it worse", she said frantically as she gave me a cloth.

“Relax it's fine, you didn't know and actually it's not that bad I like it. All sweet smelling on the top which makes you put your guard down but the minute you take in its contents you're suddenly tasting death."

“Well, I'm gonna head to sleep have a good night Honoria," I told her as I got into bed.

“You as well Your Majesty".
I was back there in the forest,the difference this time is that it was foggy, I couldn't even see clearly.

“Jasmine, Jasmine ", the voice called out  it sounded close “Jasmine, let me out".

“Who are you ? I don't even know where you are ?" I called out

“Yes you do. I'm here I've always been here, you just have to let you out".

“Let you out from where?", Why couldn't I just have a simple dream, like me by the ocean?

The fog cleared suddenly and the mirror was directly Infront of me.

I went closer, the girl was still I'm there I still couldn't see her clearly because of the chains.

“Why do I keep dreaming of this? Why are you in there?How did you even get in there" I fired questions at her.

“All in due time Jasmine,you know who I am and you keep having this dream because  a part of you that's locked away is trying to come out".

“What are you talking about?" this will probably be a good time to wake up now,her words just made the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

“One day you'll understand,I feel the day is soon I can feel it's hold getting loose. Look".

Rattling made me take a  step back,the chain was shaking and getting loose,then all of a sudden one of the chain snapped.

I woke up with a scream,the sound that chain made was deafening,putting my hand on my chest I tried calming my heart rate. I hadn't had that dream since the night of the banquet. Why did I find the voice of the girl so familiar. I couldn't put my finger on it but it's like I know it from somewhere but where?

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