Chapter 9

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Jasmine's POV
I was back in the forest, at the two paths this time I walked to the path leading toward the mirror.

“Hello Jasmine”.

“Hello” I answered back and sat down in front  of the mirror watching as the girl in the reflection sat down. I watched as her familiar reflection smiled back at me.

“You don’t seem to be frightened”.

“I figured out where I had heard the voice. I can’t believe it took me this long to recognize my own voice”.

I tilted my head, looking at the me in the mirror, she had the same brown eyes, the button nose and the same full lips I had. It was just like looking at my reflection but I could tell the difference, she looked serene, powerful, calm even.

“Why do we look exactly alike? Who put you in there? Are you my spirit?”.

She smiled, “Are you sure you want to know, because once I tell you there’s no turning back”.

“Yes, I want to know, it’s driving me mad. I feel like this dream wants to tell me something but I don’t know what”.

“You’re a witch”.

I blinked once, then twice waiting for her to tell me she was joking.


“You’re a witch Jasmine”.

“I’m not a witch, witches don’t exist”, I said standing up

“Then explain last week when your eyes glowed”, I stopped and looked at her.

“How did you know that? I’ve told no one”.
“Don’t you see it yet. This dream, how alike we are I am you Jasmine well the part of you that’s locked away”.

“If I was a witch I’d know”.

“You wouldn’t if someone repressed that part. The tea that Mama Patience has been giving to us is to keep your witch side locked away”.

I shook my head, “This is insane”

“Is it?. You yourself watched as our eyes glowed so it so hard to believe that you’re a witch.”

My thoughts were everywhere at the moment, every part of me believed her but I was trying to rationalize what she was saying.

“Jasmine listen to me, soon I’m going to break free from here. Someone has been doing something that keeps on waking that part of us and I have a feeling they’re not doing it out of the kindness of their heart.”

“Wait, what are you saying? That someone knows that I’m a witch and they’re purposefully trying to make me, you a full witch”.

“Yes, someone is trying to unlock your full witch powers, I have a feeling it’s someone we’ve met because I felt their darkness close to me”.

“I don’t get it if Mama Patience has been giving me something to hide my witch side why then is it not working”.

“Like I said, someone close to us is not a friend. Don’t trust anyone but Jungkook”.
I was silent processing if I’d officially crossed over to the crazy line.

“You keep saying us”.

“Because we are one Jasmine. And we are powerful, more powerful than we know and a lot of people would want that power for themselves.”

I looked at myself in the mirror, “Is any of our family witches ?how come I’ve never heard of it”.

“Yes. You’ll find out soon”.

I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling my mind still reeling from the dream.

A couple of weeks ago I was combing my hair and I happened to look in the mirror. My eyes glowed for a few seconds then stopped, I convinced myself that I had just imagined things.

A witch? Was I really a witch? I have to go find Mama Patience. I quickly got up but immediately sat down holding my stomach.

Fear, that’s what I felt it lingered at the pit of my stomach. Something was wrong, I could feel it in my bones it was a feeling like something bad was going to happen.

“Good morning Your Majesty”, Honoria practically sang as she walked in.

“Good morning Honoria, what’s got you all happy?”, I asked her as I got up.

“Oh nothing today just feels as if it’s going to be a good day”.

At least one of us is happy.

“Have you seen Mama Patience?”

“I think she’s in the meeting with the other ministers”.

I frowned, “Meeting? There’s no meeting scheduled today”.

She shrugged, “I don’t know, the King just summoned the ministers I think I even saw Thomas”.

I smiled, my relationship with Thomas had gotten much better this past month.

“Get me my training gear”.

I held the sword in my hand and looked at Thomas. He had promised me a duel, he had no idea that his face and the floor and going to be buddies.

“Are you ready princess, I’m not going to make it easy for you”, I smirked.

I put the sword on his neck, “I win again”
I helped him up.

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